Forum Replies Created
I tried in game (lol) so i seen he really used * thats not the plugin :3
It just ignore it (in ss).-
This reply was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by
What did u said?
“Abnedn orf uildbing omehignst kewl?” 😛 (crack the code :D)Thats the worst idea ever 😛 Too much ppl will spam the forums just for this. EGGxample: “wooohoooo 33 replies left and i became pro YEEAAH! Omg i cant wait lets spam EVERYTHING :D” yes i m talking bout reactions like this.
Am i the only one who dont know about spanish, italian, russian, chinese, indian, malaysian, philippino, japanese, ukranian and greek? :3
November 1, 2013 at 10:35 pm in reply to: Survival Games Map and Some Suggestions In The Hunger Games #44715 Score: 0The arena rocks 😀
Now for the suggestions:
1- good idea
2- its maybe good in hg, but in pvp and other stuff…
3- yeah
4- players will knew the locations of these traps in a few days 😛
5- ofc
6- lol ok lemme see XDThis one is based on real human feelings 😛
Title: How abdo saved ttram 😀
When i seen the “DONT BAN TTRAM” thing by abdo, it imediatly inspired me.
SO, mac just started his OWN server (dammit), and he wanted to keep playing on EC, and advertising at the same time. So he created an alt account, ttram01, came in the server and started adverstising D:
Everyone thought it was ttram, but abdo said “WTF nonono theres something wrong”, and he joined the server to know the truth. In 34.7629 seconds (lol) he knew that it was mac…
*screenshots everywhere* Now, cause abdo dont make things in their halves (frenchie sentence), he decided to know how ppl are going in. When he seen they were giving away diamonds, he was bout to rage…
Hes gone afk to eat an omlet (dangit with advertising stories we cant use eggs D:), and then, reported EVERYTHING on website.
Abdo, if u were not online at this moment, the truth could not pop out the lies.And that was the end of the story. That was my reply to the this: http://eternalcracked.com/index.php/forums/topic/dont-ban-ttram/
This story was a recap of what happend, and maybe this happend already TOOONS of time.Autor: i created the construction of this story, but all rights belongs to mac, ttram and abdo.
Well KernelMustard if there was graphics yeah u could see the line goin down… But at 1.7 *oh maaaagic* POP the 200+ ppl gonna be back (wanna bet 50k i ll find a day after 1.7 but b4 december where there gonna be 200+ online?) 😀
Google translate:
Spanish: Utilice la plantilla y como dijo S_Killer99 pregunte as su hermano para hacer un llamamiento prohibiciòn.
English: Please use the template and as S_Killer99 said ask your brother to make a ban appeal.
Spanish: Lo siento, acabo de ver que no hay enlace de la plantilla de la sección de apelación prohibición de los foros.
English: Sorry, I have just seen there is no link for the template in any ban appeal section of the forums. (Weird)
Spanish: Tal vez usted no entiende nada, lo siento. Estoy usando Google Translate.
English: Maybe you don’t understand anything, sorry. I’m using Google Translate.
Oh yeah it looks pretty cool 😀
Or just copy past this on youtube search bar:
By iLiveExtreme. Idk how i still live after this XD
Guys go in this link. Its… FUNNY
13- Skype non-stop
Its a really stupid game XD
Anyways i got GOOOOOOGLE 6 pages yay -
This reply was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by