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  • in reply to: What should i do #43336 Score: 0

    3 pts

    gofoufi the one in the website is VEEERY good :) thats the 1.6 launcher thing above the webchat. Download it, make a profile, choose a file for the .minecraft (if ur using in the basic space its windows+r>%appdata%>roaming wich is Users>[ur name of user]>AppData>Roaming) and update with “select version” in ur profile to 1.7.2. Btw the server is still in 1.6.4 so yeah.

    in reply to: Viruses, XBL or proxy? #43300 Score: 0

    3 pts

    I already did this 500 times, results: my ip is not listed on spamhaus, and i deleted TOONS of viruses with the new antivirus i downloaded. Theres no more of them now :|.
    Ty anyways πŸ˜€

    in reply to: Ban Appeal! : BlastGaming EC Creative! #43289 Score: 0

    3 pts

    I m not saying u lie, i said IF (u have a problem with the “if” or what? XD)
    Theres no proof ur lying and theres no proof ur not 😐

    in reply to: Viruses, XBL or proxy? #43288 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Strangely no… Only on EC 😐

    in reply to: Viruses, XBL or proxy? #43285 Score: 0

    3 pts

    i did already and it didnt changed anything (in lebanon sometimes the electricity restart so yeah the internet restart with it) ty anyways πŸ˜€

    in reply to: Ban Appeal! : BlastGaming EC Creative! #43284 Score: 0

    3 pts

    ^ should i trust that? Ur accusation is big man: ur saying a mod abused power or something to get revenge on u… This would be VERY BAD for u if ur lying πŸ˜‰ well if ur not…
    The fact is that its pretty hard to know if u are or no :l

    in reply to: Ban Appeal! : BlastGaming EC Creative! #43281 Score: 0

    3 pts

    huuuh soo #ItsMyFriend, HUH? πŸ˜€

    in reply to: yaay good news to whoever found me annoying. #43267 Score: 0

    3 pts

    ^ be a noob at pvp, if u dont wanna lie kill ur bros and sisters and thats it πŸ˜€ (if u say this in forums or in game when U WILL lie, nobody will trust u :P)

    in reply to: Ral_HD Must be banned #43247 Score: 0

    3 pts

    u see the img button? (^ here) press it, copy the link of the pic and thats it

    in reply to: Ral_HD Must be banned #43242 Score: 0

    3 pts

    yeeaah finally a reason for ral to be banned πŸ˜€ jk
    same treatment as the other guys: BAN HIM.

    in reply to: Ban Appeal! : BlastGaming EC Creative! #43235 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Sydhead ppl can change the ip so dont count on this πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Fun! #43234 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Skipper… Tisk tisk tisk 😐

    Title: Skipper mining with XRAYS on D:

    Just a mining story. Well MAYBE theres 0.0001% chances it was like this…

    SO, Skipper wanted ressources,and cause hes a hell of stupid, he bringed some xrays with him (that was a bad idea). */wild* POP spawned in a birch forest. *xraaaaayyyyyys* When he seen theres no lava under him, he said “lets go mining :D”, and STRAIGHT DOWN.
    But, hopefully, the xrays were crap and he heared a lava sound: “FEGG this D:”. He continued, but not straight down;no, with stairs. *looking with xrays* he seen DIIAAAAMMOOOONDS and other materials (like “mod” material -hey max πŸ˜‰ ) “OMG CREEEPAAAHS” bam bouf n tah everything exploded, BUT, when Skipper mine, he always wear some pro4 armor (huuuhuuuh), so the creepers suicided for nothing.
    That was GOOOOOD stuff πŸ˜› 100 diamonds, 8 stacks of redstone, 5 of lapis, 3 of emeralds, LOOOOOTS of butter and iron (and ofc NO coal). He was already dreaming of all the good things he can do now, and he got super mega giant amd expansive idea: A MELON FARM BUILT WITH BUTTER AND DIAMONDS :O or, a gigantic shop (yeah why not maybe he donate 10$ and he make it)…
    BUT, tooons of zombies and skeles appeared, they were spawning on his face, so he runned. *xraaaaaaayyyyys* “OMG A DUNGEON, A MINESHAFT AND A STRONGHOLD WITH A LIBRARY IN IT”. Hell yeah. Dime horse armors in the chests, with name tags, saddles and other crap. Skipper was soooo happy.
    *xxrraayyss* (yay double letters) more and more good stuff.
    What happend now? Honestly, in all ban appeals i ve seen, the SAME thing happen in the end: Someone appear in his face “wtf”, and he get banned.
    Ban appeal and other stuff in forums now. Yup, after the party, the cemetery.

    And that was the end of the story. Skipper, now, the big question: WHYD U DID THIS? 😐 And heres another thing: i remenber a guy called “slomerde”, who maybe didnt xrayed, but got banned for “direspecting a mod”. Guys, if u get banned for xraying and u didnt xrayed at ALL, first thing to do: dont rage. Mods are mods, not Sherlock Holmess (<— yeah we put another “s” in the plural πŸ˜‰ ), they cant know ur lucky or not. Oh and 99.99% the guy REALLY xrayed so yeah.

    Autor: the situation analyser, the anti hack unit,the psychological problem guy, the hacked, mehhhh

    in reply to: Ban Appeal #43226 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Unban this egg and close this topic plz πŸ˜›
    First time = unban after 24 hours (kk one day)
    Second time = perm ban (yeah)

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by  Dicedead.
    • This reply was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by  Dicedead. Reason: Forgot something
    in reply to: Ban Appeal #43223 Score: 0

    3 pts

    I guess he should be unbanned, even if he didnt followed the template. 😐
    Btw its first time hes banned…

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by  Dicedead. Reason: Forgot something
    in reply to: Ban Appeal! : BlastGaming EC Creative! #43220 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Mystery: Do BlastGaming hacked?

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