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  • in reply to: Creattive Player Report #98018 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Alright oega, will pass this to skype (try to.. my skype is super laggy). Thanks for reporting! πŸ˜‰

    ~Drumming Dice! {DD}

    in reply to: Cr report. #98017 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Hey tav :) Yeah they’re right. You should’ve saved all the pics till you want to go offline. And.. In CR, we’re not much mods these days, so it could take some time before one of us connects to the forums/skype/in-game.
    As for the report topics, I’m copy pasting the link of each pic below this paragraph, then I’m deleting the other 7 or 8 threads, alright? :)

    zoe22211: Char spam

    The_Ding_Dong: Spammed “d:”
    zoe22211: Char spam

    Vicky_Wi: Spammed numbers

    Vicky_Wi: Some caps, not many tho

    rblaka: Caps

    Vicky_Wi: Some more caps

    Scrap_Warrior: Char spam

    That’s it :) So, tav, next time, just do what Kaneki aka DarkDelta (aka DD :3) said πŸ˜‰
    And, anyway, thanks for reporting πŸ˜€

    ~Drumming Dice! {DD}

    PS: I can’t connect right now, so I’ll pass it to skype. Also, I won’t close it before someone deals with the reports.

    in reply to: SV, Report #97928 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Weird how people talk trash on you then say “no offense”. πŸ˜›

    ~Drumming Dice! {DD}

    in reply to: Prison Reboot #97926 Score: 0

    3 pts

    I don’t think Prison mods had the choice to reboot or not, they wouldn’t even think about resetting the server if there was no serious damage.. 😐

    ~Drumming Dice! {DD}

    in reply to: Reporting is back than ever! #97920 Score: 0

    3 pts

    This is a terrible attempt to get someone punished for something he or she has never done. Beast, you shall get trolled (or not!) πŸ˜›

    ~Drumming Dice! {DD}

    in reply to: Cr, report. #97883 Score: 0

    3 pts

    It’s the new chat guard, I don’t even know if it’s supposed to be on CR (it wasn’t, before the few days downtime) πŸ˜› The guy was trying to say “noob”, look at his second message. πŸ˜‰ (and yes, we gotta set the censored words..) So it’s okay.. Thanks for the report anyway :)

    Topic closed, right?

    ~Drumming Dice! {DD}

    in reply to: Sydhead's Mod Application #97803 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Hey Syd :) At what time of the day do you usually join? When I /seen you, I rarely get more than 2-3 days, but I nearly never see you.
    Just saying, CTF is glitchy and.. weird πŸ˜› The opponent’s flag is in the creeper in your side (most of the times, it’s often inverted XD I don’t even know if it’s supposed to be like that or not), and it seems like you can’t score points πŸ˜›

    I rarely vote, but here, vote up.
    -Real reasons that are more “reasons” than a nice speech (not saying a big and long speech is bad, but, personally, for me at least, I prefer true reasons than amazing English literature skills)

    -Knows Spanish (do you know French? Cause there are more and more French peeps joining, they’re bored of their big enormous servers where all people seem to do is swearing – I connected 2 times to one of them when EC was down, and.. lol, you guys think a lot of people aren’t polite here? That’s nothing compared to there πŸ˜› )

    -Experienced in PR

    -Helpful (well, I know you enough to say that even tho I don’t see you in MG)

    -Can make quick and good decisions alone without asking anyone, which is really important for a mod from my point view (how to punish someone, how to talk to someone about.. touchy things – mod secrets, or opinion about other mods for the example; etc.)

    -If she doesn’t know the commands and stuff from MG, she can learn them pretty fast (but you know them, right, Syd? πŸ˜‰ )

    Good luck, Syd (I was about to say “Syth”. Dahell? πŸ˜› )

    ~Drumming Dice! {DD}

    in reply to: swearer #97706 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Hehee, the poor guy, I see his face turning white from here when he’ll read “You have been caught disrespecting someone 2 months ago. Do not do it again!” πŸ˜›

    Yes, but it seems like we still have the spawn and some other things. Anyway, bugs and glitches are all gone :)

    ~Drumming Dice! {DD}

    in reply to: Prison Plugin and Idea Suggestion #97607 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Idea 1: It’s a little +, not really OP, but I don’t think anyone will mine in wood mines that much: blocks like netherrack or sandstone are easier and faster to mine than wood. Also, due to the smaller amount of ores, it’ll be harder to get diamond in B+, so harder to make a diamond axe. Finally, you’ll need an axe and a pickaxe πŸ˜› So yeah, could be added but imo no one will look at it.

    Idea 2: I suggest not having the same kit for all the ranks, like B rankers use /kit weeklyB for example; or, a different kit for each four ranks. :)

    Idea 3, plugin 1 and 2 (even if the 2 is discontinued according to Wave): Prison isn’t Club Med, you gotta work a lot to get something; this is the concept of every, or at least our Prison server. :) So making things easier is going in the opposite direction. That’s why you have to stay on the pressure plate in the furnace room, doing nearly nothing πŸ˜› The Prison founders could’ve used strings and tripwire hooks, or even pistons, but they’ve chosen to make it.. annoying πŸ˜‰ I’ve suggested one day a new style of furnace rooms to Dark, he said it was possible but it doesn’t fit PR much because it’s too relaxing for us (another point where Dark is da best: makin’ a conceptually realist server ;D )
    -It’s just 2 blocks πŸ˜› Have you seen someone complaining about that? XD
    -As stated above, it’s Prison, you’re in hell, so you can walk a little bit πŸ˜›
    -People getting stuff from you is also a base of PR. :) And, welp, according to what Wave said we can’t use it 😐

    Plugin 3: Luv that πŸ˜› It fits the theme of a true prison really nicely (Agent, add that, now D: )

    GJ jmillz :)

    ~Drumming Dice aka Double D ( πŸ˜‰ ) {DD}

    in reply to: SCS ALERT #97592 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Enzo, according to what born said, the backup is two weeks old, so don’t worry about this :) Also, the files being deleted, the town taxes are gone atm πŸ˜›

    ~Drumming Dice! {DD}

    PS: This thread is supposed to be closed, isn’t it? :3

    in reply to: Bored?Play Some Tic Tac Toe #97366 Score: 0

    3 pts

    I’ve downloaded some of my old games to pass the time (cmon I can’t play drums more than 3 hours and a half everyday), so the best 3, all on the App Store (means, you need a iOS/Apple device) are RAD soldiers, Asphalt 8 and Quiz Up. Have fun :)

    ~Drumming Dice! {DD}

    in reply to: Give me an exact Time #97364 Score: 0

    3 pts

    It all depends on Alex’s (new owner) time, tho, as said above, born (previous owner) told us it should be back this weekend or next week. :) Now don’t blame me if alex cannot put it back on in this time πŸ˜› #BlameAlexSkool

    ~Drumming Dice! {DD}

    in reply to: Lol! GG ECOC #97353 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Lol Ali πŸ˜› I bet they’ve recognized you because of the 92 in your mail and the number of times you’ve repeated “Wither” πŸ˜‰

    Btw what’s their email (edit: oh wait it’s not public)? I wanna see if I’m “blacklisted” too (and perhaps get a list of the blacklisted people? That’d be great) πŸ˜› Oh and, if one of them has already seen this topic, I hope he/she can tell me on skype or email (dicedeadmc@gmail.com) πŸ˜‰

    It’s an anti-EC group/hacking group. Rumors say that they have ex-mods in there, as well as they have an agenda to make EC close, try to get mods to resign.. You know, bad stuff πŸ˜› But these are just rumors. Maybe ECOC is nothing but a group of people who just wanna make fun of us ya know πŸ˜‰

    Relax, man :) Ok, infiltrating them isn’t the best thing to do, tho it doesn’t matter that he has posted it here, they’ve known for before it was him, someway.

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 12 months ago by  Dicedead.
    in reply to: banned appeal of 101dog #97288 Score: 0

    3 pts

    It’s very important, because that can explain how multiple accounts log from the same IP. I remember there was the same prob once: 10 or more players were all playing EC from a net cafΓ©, 2 or 3 of them got banned, so the mods thought it was bypassing, and they’ve banned the IP. One of them came here to explain the whole misunderstanding (I think it was ElReaper & co). So yeah, playing from a net cafΓ© where people play the same server than yours, it can be a problem if just one of them is a bad guy πŸ˜›

    Lol Triv, that’s true for all the servers… except MG: hackers want to come back to hack again πŸ˜›

    Good luck 101dog, you seem pretty sincere to me :)

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    in reply to: And help explain why the majority of Americans are now #97094 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Wrong forum, I think. πŸ˜› Or is it just a bot?

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

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