Forum Replies Created
Stop watching cartoons and go play EC better
U ll find no answer with that :ECJustice”
i dont join
Well to clear all of this stuff:SHADE IS HACKING
I didnt see him on my own tp to a player BUT all these player reports r suspicious enough to check his acc
And these players reported havent lied on forum at the past so they speak the truth 99% sure about this
And tony stop trying to find an explanation
As i see everyone see that u r cool
I believe it but i havent seen ur in-game action
i dont want to vote not to do somethin i m not sure about
So i ll just keep watching the voting
Good Luck With ur mod App
ty gra for converting it to imgur so now i can del the files from upload
I think these screens r enough for a mod to understand
there r 2 links
there is somethin missing i have screenshoted the names online too
i m sry but there were more screenshots
can u upload hem all
vote down
nothin to explain
k stop spamming msgs
lol i know the mods see the chat this is why i reported also go check my screens
he is lying i have nothin to fear cauz i have nothin to hide
well did i say fk ur mom?no i said ur m00m and then u muted me
I request remove of ur commands
also i m sry for uploadin it to bayfiles and u need to download it but i dk how to do it with imgur
well i had the same prob and i solved it to the minecraft game folder
I just ran the minecraft from the launcher in program files (program files it s for me u may have set it somewhere else in ur C:)
I hope i helped
pigswillfly69 i think that u have no reason bothering us
ur demoted and u hacked so now stop trying to show to ppl that u have changed cauz u have not