Forum Replies Created
ThievesGuild for the win
plz everyone write ur opinion about what happened and tell me if that was an abuse or not
speak freely plz
ok lucariokom sry for that
Skills sry for that too i was a bit angry for losing xp and stuff from ppl i thought that we team
i ll add ur town again as soon as u go online
i also believe i have helped more than i have harmed (i havent done anythin bad)
that was not an abuse it was just a fair use of assistant powers against some1 that despite the warnings from many ppl from the nation he kept lurin them
ok problem solved
skills plz msg me for furthr information
and that was NOT abuse
there was reason
skills go online and msg me plz
to add ur town again
problem solved
and i m not abusing powers i m using them fairly cazu u deserved it
Toblerone should decide about that and i m sry
and this was the first time i kicked as nation assistant
i usually add towns and i dont kick cauz i m not sure
but this time i was more sure than ever
and i would help ya if u didnt lure me but now i offer my help to ppl that respect me and like me
he told me to tp to him and then i fell from a high place and died
and then i asked for mah stuff and my xp and he said no
and then i told him that i ll speak to the mods about it and he said no again
and then i had to kick his town cuaz i lost a pro 4 chectplate
and 30 lvl
i ll tell u first what he did to me
I hope u never get unbanned Pigs u r corrupted mod and i never liked ya
i was right when i said u the worst mod EVER and u shouldnt even become trial
wrong comment sry that was for other thread
even if he lured and even if i have lured in the past i dont allow some noobs blaming me for luring ok?that was 4 months ago
well UnicornTourretes this proof for the scam is against all of u cauz it seems that fedriq is innocent as duhpedo left