Forum Replies Created
ok i just brought premium and i brought diamond on the 27th of January so i don’t know.
I’m sorry Wither but i agree with Pigs
with great power comes great responsibility
But it relay comes down to borncorp
Experience is earned well through Experience of playing the game and you can get HEAPS from Mob Arena by doing /ma j, but i think it is a good idea and a lot of people would donate for it.
well gtg see you all tomorrow
its ok now its all sorted people were swearing, disrespecting others and lots more but its all sorted now
ps. i took HEAPS of screen shots for those who dont believe me it lasted for about 10 min
hi toblerone
I Vote For Lake_People it is the best (my opinion) and we are a growing community
he means down the bottom left corner it has © 2012 EternalCracked he means up date it by doing this © 2013 EternalCracked.
And 1 more thing if you don’t want me to run the competition about the video i wont but i will still run the other 1 i just hope we can be friends later on
Pakisha99 up the top of this page it has a tab and on the tab it has :EternalCracked client click on that tab and it will take you to it. if you have a mac click on the 2nd link or if you have a windows computer just click on the 1st one. and if you need any help setting it up click on tab it has :EternalCracked client again and scroll down and you will find tutorials for both. and you need any further assistance message me.
and Wither i am not trying to ruin your chances of being a mod all i am trying to do is help this server get more publicity so more people join. and as i said before I AM SORRY. and i hope we can start again. Hello Wither i am dragonz12345 i hope we can be friends in the future.
Sorry I meant people that don’t have a donor rank buys it from the server to help out the server more not players.
the server would benefit greatly from a new feature like this.
Instead of players buying from players. i am trying to get more people to buy from the server. the server does not benefit much from players buying from players the server does not get any money from that.
and i am sorry if you do not like this but i think this would make the server have more money which means the server can stay up for longer.
I am experienced with Buy-Craft and setting up the commands for it i made my own server and installed buy-craft and set up 8 different packages but did not make it 24/7 i was thinking about it but then i saw this server’s ip and decided to see what is was like and i have never looked back
But if borncorp doesn’t want my idea it is ok it just was a suggestion for more people to buy from the SERVER.
thank you for your time in reading this
sorry oh you mean the post about u making the video oh sorry but i just thought it was a good idea and thought it was worth a contest and i am sorry about that.
if your the only 1 that makes a video i will give it to you
Fine 1 person will win the Video and 1 Person will win my next competition
The 2nd comp is
I will randomly select some 1 on a random day as long as your name is listed here so comment your name and i might select you be but you MUST be on EC when i give it out if you are not on you will not receive it
so stay online as much as you can and you just might get a msg from me.
I will give it out before the 30/1/2013 so will you win?
Every 1 post your In-Game-Name here while stocks last XD