Forum Replies Created
Scamming will be taken care of, but you still have something to explain… First, what other mods you use? I assume that ”N” in the corner shows the direction you are looking and I haven’t used/seen mod that would show it like that on screen. Now you can try prove to me that its just optifine (pic or something) and tell what makes that ”N” to your mc.
Actually she isn’t owner of jail craft xD Not even mod anymore xD
This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by
Oh noes
Hope you can come visit some day.
Password sent to your Inbox.
There are few problems. They claim that they can’t speak english at all. Then how its possible to them know about rules and announcements. For example about the sponge thing.
It doesn’t require much knowledge about English grammar or words to be able to communicate in English. And like everyone else, if you want to chat with your friends use ./msg When I started on EC almost 2years ago my English was far from good. You can learn so much by just talking on chat with other players.
Also its fair to all other players and mods. We can’t know if other player insults other. Its also really hard to solve luring/scamming case if all proof is in Spanish. Yes google translate doesn’t help always.
Many times chat feels so spammed when its filled with Spanish.
In my opinion we should keep the old rule. If we would all languages in main chat it would require mods to talk all the possible languages which is impossible. And vise versa I can’t moderate server by just using Finnish.
Note: This isn’t the server’s official view. This is only what I think.Sad to see you going, but like someone already said we all must quit sometime. I have good memories about playing on Ec with chu and all those Skype chats and I hope that you have too. Good luck with life and hopefully you can atleast come visit server.
Edit: And stahp breaking my signs xD
You can always send mail in-game to mod if you need help with something. And if you have problem/issue that is GuardianMods ”job” you can also ask higher rank mod (admin/headmod). Its true that we have little lack of high rank mods at the moment, but we just can’t promote new mods just because we need more mods. We are aware of this and hopefully soon we have big enough mod team like in the past. It is also good to remember that mods are also just humans. All of us have life also outside of mc and we can’t be forced to be on server 24/7.
lol 8 results xD One was youtube video tho
Probably because your first account is already banned. You are not allowed to make second account if other one is banned.
App denied. Didn’t follow template and 2 applications
App denied. Didn’t follow template and 2 applications
New password and info sent to your inbox. You can find it under your account/login bow on the right side.
New password and info sent to your inbox. You can find it under your account/login bow on the right side.
All griefed parts should be fixed now and jailed and tagged.
Oh, welcome back and nice to see you again 😀 I’m sure you will get your password soon.
I thought user account was just Aki and the architect was just surname 😛 -
This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by