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For some reason tavon.
Hello there
1st Suggestion
It wont decrease your durability since you cant destroy it.2nd Suggestion
4 days is enough if you are active ingame3rd Suggestion
Some moderators and I always hosts events everyday. Maybe you need to be a little bit more active i guess? 😛 ( I don’t see you ingame tbh )4th Suggestion
Well if you mine and get loots, trade it with the villager and get crates. Same enough eh?5th Suggestion
You mentioned Basketball and Soccer, /warp courtyard
Wait for more events too.Have a nice day!
Congratulations to everyone who won and lets thank melee for this great huge giveaway. 😀
Hello there, Happy Birthday and Have a great day!
In-Game Name: HuskyTorchic
Date and Time of Joining (Include Exact Time Zone – And DST if you have): 6:09 AM – UTC +3 – June 2,2015
Why you want to join (50 words): I like to join random events. I need money (sort of) Even though i am Free+, I still wanna win because its for my little brother, i want to rank him up all the way to free if possible and maybe for town and nation too 😀 Thank you eres for making such events and Goodluck to everyone! Have a nice day.
Your Choice of Numbers (7 Numbers): 08 69 888 94 97 515 49
Peace out!
Beast lets trade instead
Anyways, thank you everyone <3
My bad, i didn’t read but yeah im doing it again im sorry lol. xD
In-game name: HuskyTorchic
Your favorite server: Prison
Your number: #69Sorry but im just trying to win.
Report Number : 1,2,3,6,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33 and 34
Action taken :
-So for the advertisers, dealt with
-For the char spammers and spammers, i mailed them.
-For people who disrespected, i mailed them.Other comments : I tried to finish all, but some of them i can’t finish.
I suggest you to report it immediately to make it easy for us Mod Team.
Thank you for reporting and Have a nice day!Husky
This happened long long time ago, I was still trial mod and i didnt know how to jail, Ali wanted to be jailed, so i cant and i warned him. BUT Ali, i asked you to drop it or throw it on lava, Dont say “And the funniest part is that he didnt even ask me to drop it.” You were on “good” or “fun” mood so i warned and after that you said ” Awww, y u no jail m9
I’ll ask a high moderator to clear the warn, Im sorry and thanks for reporting
Are you sure with “Also to note, husky never physically “saw” the Golden Apple” ander? Are you very sure? I don’t want an arguement, I am asking.
Dealth with, thanks for reporting