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  • in reply to: iKiLLAHZ Ban Appeal [2] -PLEASE READ- #1732 Score: 0


    To Aki :

    You make it sound like im a terrible hacker, with this psychotic temper. this game is minecraft, the worst someone can do is grief and spam… as for me i dont use any sort of hacks and i wouldnt harm the server because ive changed, those verbal things were out of hatred and anger towards my wrong doings.. That was 5 months ago, and ive been on this server and all the versions of it since 1.7.3.. and for the EternalCracked server version, ive been on it since day one.. and that one decision to join a stupid riot got me to where i am, and i know i dont deserve another chance, but ive really change, im not trying to get on just to cause nonsense with anyone, its for the same reason ive been playing all these months, hang out with my minecraft friends and build thats all. for your information this appeal isnt “heart breaking” i skipped to the point of why im back. and to shine some light on that negativity i posted, i have sinced removed and deleted all the negative and nasty comments ive posted on your sites in the last week, before i posted this appeal, and as of the last 5 months ive been banned, i thought about things that you think i need to work on (temper / decision making) and i believe i still have a chance to return onto the server and resume where i left off, back in Divinity with Chibi and Andrei, and eduardo if he still plays.

    Personality “Caricature” or as you say picture of the person you dont even know personally based on some negative trash comments is just like inferring what you know based on the cover of a book, theres more to me you dont know about.

    I know this sounds terribly harsh especially on my part, but i dont like to be called someone or something i am clearly not, anymore…. soo yeah

    – iKiLLAHZ

    in reply to: iKiLLAHZ Ban Appeal [2] -PLEASE READ- #1729 Score: 0


    the reason i got banned is in the appeal

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