Forum Replies Created
Damn it stupid launchers why don’t just someone edit Minecraft sp for a bit so we don’t have to upgrade our macs and java XD
I was banned because I was stupid at midnight and I lured someone
wither and borncorp if you dont work fast im soon gonna get your server creative and i got a nodus thingy to use hahahahahha
anyway im not wanting to get unbanned im wanted to not get ip banned but get banned
April 1, 2013 at 9:26 pm in reply to: and 1 more post for everyone who helped me rise high in the server #18275 Score: 0dang it pigs is there anything i can do to rapidly get this done with anyone i hate this server now and its in my junk house and also waveware bye and thank you and pigs it will never fall gra is making the town more then the upkeep and i hope he makes it stable
and garn is there anything to get hate off me for 7 months ago lucariokom lured me i lured her back and i reported her before luring her she got no punishment thats why i lure
and wait forgot something i was not in a town when i used to lure pigswillfly XD . wait something else skills you made me do it XD. nah lies but you made me nearly kill you for griefing my town XD bye bye joshy1111 for the last forum post this day BYE
and gra bye bye i told them to make you a town owner keep it that way
fine then my power will still haunt this server but tell me is gra banned? if not make him the mayor
born and everyone and krusher i am sorry but gra is part of this too in the part of it he said /tc why dont we kill him and i said yeah not thinking and second later bamm i banned i am sorry just unbann me pls