Forum Replies Created
Introducing the new Op class lol I think its a really cool character
I dont Care if its X-Ray or Optifine or Coordinates View. No Mods what so ever are allowed on the Server
-Killzone569np bro 😛
Exactly what Harrybob141 said give us a rough estimate of when the restarts could possibly be
thanks man!
But omega u cant just go off of memory just thinking when it is
Yea I agree Valk it needs to be expanded it really sucks and I wanna make my own Xp farm but evrywhere I look boom EXPLORED!
Ok so OmegaX so now your calling lots of people Noobs ? I know a bunch of people who shop at chinashop! U might as well go on Ec and say Only Noobs shop at warp chinashop
Oh Valk i’d rather sell my own prot 4 then buy from a shop they make it look cheap but if u buy the whole set its about 41k I sell for about 37-38,500k
IKR HellaFushJdm fuck man I hate warp vshop I dont care and it is true only nubs know about warp chinashop….
Wither If it was in the end everything would be so dark trust me i’ve seen idiots play in the end…..
Yea 650 soo cheap War shroom has for 525
Its really fun put it in EC BORN 😀
You think ur so smart furmok123 ? I ve been hg 2nd rank for so long where have you been.
And S_killer99 it does matter if you seen my hg stats there at about 300 wins 700 kills its a big deal
Pigs so dissapointed in you. You took advantage of ur power imagine how many other people wanted to become Mod. You got that chance and took advantage I NEVER EVER seen this happen. And I hope to see it never happen again.I’ll niss chu