Forum Replies Created
i do have some, my price: 50 dollars apiece of leather
Trollson+Shade = Ultimate troller in PVP and Comments in forums
ok… this is what i think. Shade may have used reis map to track all of you down. but i think you guys are over-reacting. so what if you were deAd? shade killed me too…finally….. but then i got over it. no big deal.
this is my theory of shade being a bad guy. maybe he was very bored and needed some entertainment to kill some ppl. and because he was very very annoyed at how things are so boring without killing any1. well, that’s what happened to me. i used to be a good player, keeping out of trouble as well as i could. now i’m consumed by the fun of killing ppl
hi tako….
k, ppl. just to let you know, dimme9 had a similar case to this. he claimed to skills on that fateful day that he was wearing pro4 armour, god sword. but then when we had a ‘town war’ Shade killed him in one shot. Shade has claimed my life too. but i don’t really care, just iron armour, diamond sword and 3 stacks of torches lost.
So to rogue, don’t get so upset. what is over is over. let bygones be bygones. bury the hatchet
P.s. i’m awesome at quoting quotes from really “Chim” (to all sg ppl, you know what that means) passages. lol( i have a really kiasu mum, sg ppl, you should know what that means too.)
P.p.sto all sg ppl, if you don’t know what that means, go and find out. you should be ashamed about that. It SINGAPOREAN lingo leh. why you not know? Singlish is very awesome you agree right? i also know la.
ok…. i’ll try to. so ppl, i’ll forward it to sg time 5 o’clock, sorry, but that’s the most i can forward to. and… can any1 volunteerto be a diamond-armoured bad guy? i don’t have any1 volunteering to do so.
P.s. BUMP!!!!
huh? what’s does that mean
SPELLING ROCKS!!!!!! but i bet pigs, got really low for his spelling tests. ._.
ironic* you meany adck. so how are you pigs? do you have any major exams upcoming? more ppl are starting to donate to ec. our hg plugin has been moved to arenas, although in hg and super smash, there isn’t mods to stop ppl from saying vulgarities. and the server has stopped lagging for a bit. and i frequently see donors flying near the pvp hill. lol.
anyways, my personal stuff, i’ve finished my exams, really major one, got really good results, have chance to qualify for DSA (diect-school-admission)
hope i get in. XP and pigs, how old are you?
lol, it seems as though both of you have something on in between. both parties vote for each other in their mod apps.
ok.. but try to spread the word for this compeitition. i need more ppl to attendthis k? THXS A LOT for your help XD
what does that mod do?
nice guy, has manners, helps ppl in need. contributes commonly in this website, tries to raise popularity for this server. so….. i think he might have a pretty good chance to be mod.
lol,i don’t see you online and helping ppl much cabgon, try helping more ppl k?
some one read this!!!! it’s been a while, no ones responding. i wonder why you mods take so long to read a post. this happened like near a week ago. no ones responding, i miss my armour and sword T_T
can a mod check the logs? i’m missing my armour and sword really badly. can the mods resolve this?
a mod shouldn’t try to do this kind of things. and what were you thinking? what kind of person puts that in his/her mod app? but we appreciate your honesty.