Forum Replies Created
Sorry, but in my opinion, I vote down. Well, first you need experience with some plugins. You haven’t even stated your experience in Minecraft and on servers. Your reason why you should be moderator doesn’t support much. You should have stated what server you were moderator on. That way, anyone can ask if you were moderator. Sorry, but it is a vote down.
Well, I see that you seem to know nothing you did wrong, but maybe you shouldn’t tp’ed to Vincent. Me and some of my friends went to warp wither and the literally got an anti-cheat message for doing nothing. They were glitching in the air.
Casher is only opened to assistants, Owners(Me) and Co-Owners(MattDude85 and Slingwinner245) I am ok if you are a miner. You are now hired as a miner.
Ok, your hired, the next time were both on, we will talk buisness.
Pick one please. You could have more. For now, pick one..
what do u want ger999? chose 1 for now.
Yah, I would love that! Great idea. Then when I go afk, befor i leave, I will know when the next restart is. I love the idea! People should see this.
Good Job! I like It!
Looks like people need sites to get skins from. Well, here are some! these sites helped you all!
What kind of home are you looking for Venomtech? (Mansion, Castle, etc)
Rouge-Art…… I LOVE IT!!! All I want is 4 u to make it bigger and then it would be perfect!!!
yah, thats happened to me. i waz told that i can buy a god bow 4 15K, not used but when i got it ; 1st : It wasnt a god bow, all it had was punch 1 power 1 infinity 1. 2nd : It was almost dead(red bar). I have been scammed.
Vote Down. Didn’t even follow template. Dont even state why you want to be moderator.
Well, you do need your password. What I suggest is that you remember common passwords. If not, ask admins/moderators 😛
k, thx 4 advice
thank you very much stux!