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  • in reply to: Ban Cooldude #19431 Score: 0


    How about you read my comments? I am repeating my points because you are not getting them into your head. Btw, I am not biased to anyone at all, so get your facts straight.

    I have no time to argue with you anymore, ask someone else to explain this to you.

    in reply to: Ban Cooldude #19429 Score: 0


    Well, ask anyone that is not biased to you to see whether this is your fault or his fault. Him being invisible in spawn in not against the rules, and picking up other people’s items in spawn are also not against the rules. And I say this again, Don’t Blame Others For Your Own Carelessness.

    in reply to: Ban Cooldude #19427 Score: 0


    Yes, You should never drop your stuff on the ground if you don’t want anyone to take it. It was your carelessness so don’t blame other about it.

    And if you could, please specify how he “stole” it from you

    in reply to: More Hg Suggestions! #19426 Score: 0


    I really hope to see some new hg maps, and maybe like what zevguns said, add some parkour and stuff to the hg waiting lobby. Everyone would definitely love it and I would be in the lobby the whole time failing the parkour xD (If this does happen)

    in reply to: Ban Cooldude #19423 Score: 0


    CatBasket, I told you many times in-game that this issue cannot be blamed on cooldude. He is not breaking any of the rules.

    1. He did not grief any part of his town or the spawn.

    2. He did not trick you at all. He did not make a deal with you or scam you in any way.

    3. This is only your fault, the blame is on you. It was you who was careless enough to drop your weapon in spawn, and cannot be blamed on anyone.

    If you don’t want any similar incident to happen, be very careful and cautious not to press the “Q” key on your keyboard. This is all I can help you with.

    in reply to: ban tytal and meetthevoid #18807 Score: 0


    I did not say anything at all D:

    in reply to: lolzshell should be banned ! #18780 Score: 0


    She can’t ban you, don’t worry.

    in reply to: Just wanted to do this… #18626 Score: 0



    in reply to: Reporting leo for spamming, Language, Respect #18401 Score: 0


    What you see at the top right hand corner is indeed a mod, but to be precise, it is a hack client that is somewhat like nodus :/

    in reply to: Weird Names On Eternal Cracked #18241 Score: 0


    This isn’t really a big problem for us players though, it does not affect our gameplay much and generally only lasts for a few minutes. The worst that can happen is that they overload the server or not allow people to get on :/

    in reply to: Keshan's Ban Appeal #18119 Score: 0


    Vote up.

    Keshan is always contributing to the community by reporting glitches and bugs he knows about. Thus such actions should be forgiven as I believe that he is an honest man as seen from the first line I wrote. Keshan should definitely be unbanned.

    in reply to: apply for being a moderator #17957 Score: 0


    Follow the template here.

    in reply to: Removing Dynamic Maps [PLUGIN & WEBSITE] #17732 Score: 0


    Vote down. The dynamic map is a fair plugin which can be used by all, those who kill and get killed. Everyone has access to the dynamic map whether you want to find yourself a victim, or you want to look at your town from above. Going into the wilderness is a risk in the first place, but everyone should be willing to take the risks of entering into the wild. If you are complaining about getting killed in the wild by someone who uses the dynamic map to find you, then you shouldn’t take the risk and just stay in your town. But I know that you need to go to the wilderness to do stuff like mining so it won’t affect your town, but there is still a risk of getting killed. One advice is to simply keep your browser open on the dynamic map so that you will know when someone is out to kill you. That’s all I can say about this topic, thank you for reading. :)

    in reply to: For platuim donors suggestion #17616 Score: 0


    Vote down for this suggestion. Honestly, I think the kick/mute commands are already enough to stop players from doing some bad stuff like spamming or holding up mob arena. Also, if platinum donators abuse their /warn and get away with it, the innocent player could have a bad record and definitely won’t like it. (Especially now that it shows you the number of warnings you have everytime you log in). It just… does not feel nice :/

    in reply to: Unban me! Im still waiting #17503 Score: 0


    There’s no need to make so many threads just for this one topic…

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