Forum Replies Created
I am a bad person — and always will be.
Saying someone socks isn’t breaking the rules…
“he cant be mod and he should get warned”
You don’t say what will happen. I’m not planning to be a mod. And I’m not afraid of warnings, either.
This reply was modified 9 years, 12 months ago by
“PS: I don’t wanna see a reply relating to me using hacks”
I’m going to ignore that.
Your application was crap, Wither accepted you. We found out you used hacks. A mod, that used hacks? You’re kidding me.
Vote Down
-All you say on the forums is pointless
-Didn’t use english properly
-You can’t apply for two servers
-Inactive ingame
-Inactive on forums
-Never reported ANYTHING.
“I Know I Won’t Get Acceped As Moderator But I Just Want To Hear What I Can Do To Help And What I Should Try To Do Better In The Future.”
-You can just make a ‘What do you think of me?’ post. You don’t just make a moderator application because you know you won’t get accepted, so what’s the point?
-‘All the spare time I have’ is very little information, what’s your spare time?
Overall ResultsPositives | Negatives
0 | 10
Wow. This is the only grocery list I wrote with only negatives.
We are the douchebags destroying them. We are the ones creating global warming.
This is the ban appeal written in proper english:
Ingame Name: 101dog
When were you banned: Survival
Why were u banned: Because I just wanted to help my friend ‘kiiaz’, and one other donor. I asked mods to unbann kiiaz, and the mod banned me for bypassing, thinking that I bypass kiiaz, and that I own both accounts. He’s my cousin in real life, I didn’t know we shared IPs. Please note this is my first ban.
Who banned you: I don’t know; I’ve been banned for 5 months so I could not remember.
Why should u be unbanned: Because I really want to play on this server, and it’s wrong that I’m Kiiaz.
Thanks for all the feedback, guys. I know, I did infact do the right thing.
You have a great point, no offense @BeastADragon, but his application was NOT voted up even once.
Ander, calling someone a ‘Pissed Animal’ is technically profanity, which can decrease the chances of you becoming mod.
Good job on catching ‘thepersonthatwantedtohackEC’
Vote Up
-Experienced as a moderator on EC
-Somehow excellent grammar
-Lots of effort put into mod app
-1-10 hours seems good.
-Didn’t put anything idiotic in mod app (I put this because most others do)
-Past experiences as an admin on two other servers
-Inactive on forums.
Overall Result:
Positives | Negatives
6 | 1Jmillz haz az pointz. Zceptionz.
I’m going to rewrite it in proper english:
IGN: Darkiller56
Banned for: Usage of Anti Knockback(I don’t use it)
Who banned me: BananaKing
Banned on survival.
Banned (My country timezone) 20.2.2015 at 12:10
Why I want be unbanned: I’ve been playing EC for 7 months now, and only EC.
Thanks..Minecarts = Entities
Entities = More Lag
More Minecarts = More and More Lag
Boats = Entities
Entities = More Lag
More Boats = More and more lag.
“Trial is when you’re out the door, not in the house yet.”-Skills641
By the way Trivesh, as Max said, prove yourself as a better mod. Do it, I dare you.
This reply was modified 9 years, 12 months ago by