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Thanks Hablaman
Cheers guys for the warm welcome back, still not recovered password but eager to get going again, ah, wither i visited borntown using minerboys account saw the bad news, lol. What happened, looks like someone called in an air strike. Anyways, not to worry, it’s all about building new things. I saw a sign saying the town is being sold, i’m a bit lost, haha, i’ve missed so much.
This reply was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by
Thx borncorp
Has the amount been refunded? Where will it be refunded town bank or Minerboy personal balance?
Not sure of the exact amount, just 100k+ it was reported straight away.
I saw the anouncment in game regarding the refund and Minerboy spoke to a mod in game about when refunds will be issued (i think it was amy or invader). Any news on when Minepad town bank or Minerboy will be refunded?
I tried to make it clear that the items disappear instantly, i know items vanish after 5 mins or so, and that is why i tried more than 10 times with full harvests before posting (just to see if they definatly did so or i was just getting unlucky with the clearlag timer)… they vanish instantly every time now, but only since the last few days or so.
The farm has been working properly for months.. Its annoying. Surely a change (with plugins or an update possibly?) that has been made in the last few days to a week has caused the problem with the farm, otherwize it would just work like it did before?
This is my reason for thinking it was the clearlag plugin before i ran the 10 tests. I just want to know what is causing it more than anything.
He deposited 150k into the bank as soon as he noticed it was at 70credits only, does this mean that any money deposited in to the town bank after the issue arose will be wiped and reverted back to the original 100k+ before the problem… or will the amount he lost just be added to the current value in Minepad bank?
I know this is an old thread but i have access to an auto 6×4 chunk melon farm… in the past week and still now only 25% of the melon slices appear from the harvest appear, the rest disappear instantly??? The issue Em3rgency originaly reported with melon farms has not been resolved.. is there any way to stop the melon slices disappearing as soon as they hit the ground?
I’ve tried it numerous times in the past day and today so i and still the same problem everytime i harvest, so i know from this that i wasn’t just unlucky with the timing of Clearlag (or it’s substitue). They just hit the floor and ‘pooof’….GONE! lol… Why? It was working perfectly before… now the farm has lost all its epicness
Cheers chibichuba, i’m unsure of exact amounts in the other showcase’s but i’m sure the 50k would have more than covered it, thx dude
… 1 more question, i spoke to Gh0sT8 in game because i was worried about not being able to access the ./scs command if i was unable to renew my donorship in time for the 9th (when it runs out) He said i’d still be able to restock showcases and receive money from items sold without donor rank,… is this true?, or should i place the items in a chest for save keeping until i renew?
The world saves every hour or so, so hopefully an old save can be run on a separate machine to be to gather an accurate list of items in showcases. I hope you get your shop sorted soon too DTRxXTylerXx2
I’ve compiled a list from the signs, on some of the showcases i was unable to place a sign so i’m unable to give you exact numbers but i only made or restocked the showcases recently so i’m able to give you a rough estimate on those without signs. I’ve been thinking though…. is it not possible just to use an old save of the world to check the amount of items in ./scs ..?
Anyway here goes:
Rose: 2801
Arrow: 1994
spider eye: 532
Feather & raw chicken: fully stocked
Chainmail leg: 21
Chainmail chest: 20ish? (Borncorp removed the sign)
chainmail boots: 27
Chain helm: 8
Eye of Ender: 68
Diamond chest: 50
Diamond leg: 50
Diamond: boot: 30
Diamond helm: 49
Diamond shovel: 14
Diamond pick: 27
Diamond pick (eff I) 42
Diamond pick (effII) 7
Diamond: A little under 1728 (I remember this because just under 3 rows of the chest were filled 9x3x64)
Emerald: possibly 1 row of chest
Diamond hoe: nearly full
Diamond axe: 30? …….. there’s a lot more showcases, mushroom, enchanted diamond chests, encanted diamond & iron tools, pistons, repeters, mycelium, string, bones.. e.c.t. that haven’t go signs on an i don’t want to just guess the amount that was in there…
Hope this helps to speed thing up.. Please try to remedy this error as quickly as possible, i’m a unhappy minecrafter at the moment.
Ok, my donorship runs out in a week so i was using the shop to quickly sell items, i can’t even sell them manually now because they’re either gone or locked in the showcase… The signs on the front of the showcases indicate how many items were in some of the showcases, maybe that’ll help speed up the recovery of the items?
Let me know how you are getting on please borncorp, i logged in today to check on the shop and it’s still offline. Is it not possible to just rollback the plot or something?
I agree, something needs doing… please don’t roll back to 1.4.7 though. I like and have built too much with 1.5 stuff. What is the reason for the server crashing all the time anyways?
I’m with you on this one, also i’m not sure weather it’s just the changeover to 1.5 but the server seems to be crashing very regularly. Why is this? Is it a hardware issue or one to do with software and plugins?
This reply was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by