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Well man, i lived in Australia, almost 1 year, lol XD fail, where do u think that i learned English so good? XD and i visited Canada and USA, USA 4 times and Canada only once :/
i vote Lake_People
Lake_People! It’s best town on server!
wtf? what do u have as problem? well, if u need help about that call me… when u come online make me one pls.
I know it’s a joke omg. OFC is fixable! we can put wood.. i will cut some later.. if u get me back as assistant ofc. -.-
okay. logs? well, it was just jk about kick.. he annoyed me and grief me… idk what is wrong with him, he acts to me like i am gypsy. It was argument.. u can trust me, there was. idk why, i forgot XD check whatever, and pls trust me.. i started to like u and i found out that u are cool guy… just call me when u need help. and i will help u to fix town.
and what do i have to do with town grief? u think i griefed town? well i didn’t, i just deleted one ladder. if that is grief, (which isn’t) idk what can i tell u.. u can trust me, i told u already. but u don’t. well, i would be glad to help u, call me when u need help. but u don’t have respect for my stolen time PLAYING in town and HELPING town. -.-
Well, 200. time im saying i didn’t grief, OR EXPAND OUR TOWN. well i griefed only once, so what? i stole melons, my friend griefed pistons -.-‘ … still, my account is secured now. only i can play on it. i griefed ONCE, and this ‘grief’ at DiamondzXX is not even grief. I am not guilty for town expanding, making home on fire, ur mobs, my FARM!!! i got griefed also, u know it?? do u know that when i came on server few days ago my house was griefed, and nothing? -.- I liked u, but now u are telling me that i griefed house, which is not grief, only deleting one ladder and then bring it back. idk what is problem there. my glass was destroyed 10 times, my disc STOLEN. my mobs killed. and i didn’t burn that house, when i came on server, WHOLE street was griefed! diamondzXX had making his new house, my house griefed and that house burned. so, think about that. but you weren’t online did u? i could help u, i made a slide for town. ask u do u need help! i think i deserve ‘thank u’ not being deleted cuz of one ladder, which i fixed ofc. I changed, i am not going stressed like that again. the day u helped me with my basement i thought u were my friend, and that u changed. ty for ur patient time, but trust me, that is not grief, and i will help u to fix town damage. Sincerely, Pakisha99.
also check my for Minecraft.. if u have any question ask me, thanks! here is a link:
My chest was locked! and then DiamondzXX came and destroy that chest! and put new one and unlock it! and no, vines didn’t go to other plots, so is it problem? i am not talking about that! yeah and in that chest diamonds waited me so, he is also a thief. I didn’t burn that house? so, i didn’t grief, i am not joking. if u like to troll me or something, then tell me. and i just check something, if u destroy something and put it back, it’s not grief. so, u deleted me with no reason. but your town, if u only trust 2-3 ppl, then u will lose the ppl who live in. and i didn’t kill your red cow or whatever. also i found pigs on street, so i take one, i asked does anybody own it… there was 5 of them. also my 3 cows were killed. and a lots of chickens. idk who mess with town but it annoys me as well..
well, i didn’t think of that. I said u once, don’t try making me feel bad or something. I didn’t grief. If u that second when u destroy block put it back, it’s not grief. so, he destroyed my vines, glass, and u remember someone stole my disc? it was my favorite thing.. i wanted to make new house and to donate this town, for free. but i see u wanna make fun of me, and troll me.. well then, this is 21. century, remember that, i am not stupid. i remember, grief at sunnyvales. and it was bad thing giving my friends my account.. now i am premium. and u weren’t on servers to long, i was so sad and i was happy to see u after long time, and now u troll me. not cool bro, not cool.
if ur plan is to make me feel guilty or sad it’s not working.
ofc i know about proof for destroying.. he trapped me!! so i destroyed his ladder and i put it back.. idk what’s wrong… and actually, DiamondzXX griefed me. u can say whatever u want i will not get nervs cuz i know i didn’t grief him. and he always tells me a bad words.. so, i am not surprised that he lies, lol… don’t make another test. i know i didn’t grief, or anybody from my account. so, what u think u think it like that, just leave it. i won’t get stressed for this, be sure. only makes me feel sad cuz i’ve been helping town and now i am not assistant anymore. ok.
i think it has to do with some bug.. because didn’t destroy anything.. also keep in mind that there is a hack to put that someone destroyed a block.. i used it on one server cuz my friend grief one house so i helped him with that thing.. i didn’t destroy anything.. either is a glitch/bug or a hack..
Pigs i didn’t grief! i didn’t destroy his ladders! i swear! swear in god! if i deleted something i would get it back! it’s not fair! i didn’t grief! i had a full respect to town and now i see that u all kick me with some little lie? ok.