Forum Replies Created
I could’ve sworn it said 1000..then again doing something like this at 2am isn’t good.
IGN: MSN001DeltaPlus
Number: 96As with what wither said, if you cannot follow instructions then you can’t be a mod.
Wither you had ONE job
IGN: MSN001DeltaPlus
Number Chosen: 117Don’t make me kick you wither.
You had one job Wither…one job
You didn’t need to make two forum posts syth.
The problem with the second option is it could ruin the server economy very quickly. So why not make it so that the ore parties there are shorter/not as much. Leave the better ore parties for another date. [say 15th of every month]
And Wave, what good would a moderator be if they aren’t a good role model on all servers. Ok factions wither is head mod. he’s only headmod on factions but then that doesn’t mean he’d go onto other servers just to cause havoc to other moderators. One of the points of being a mod is to be a good role model. However as syth has shown me she hasn’t done a good job at doing that. Why I say thats important, I don’t want two faced moderators on a team. That would be a drawback more than a good point to the team.
The thing is, I’ve tested you with alts even on factions and you’ve deemed yourself not satisfactory in your attitude. This is why I say you’ve lost your chance since I’ve given you numerous opportunities and you’ve failed them all.
Vote Down:
-Your attitude hasn’t changed one bit. I observed you fighting multiple times on the forums and servers [via alts] and I have not seen you change one bit. Its ultimately disappointing that as sinners has said you are a two faced person.
-You’ve been muted on prison for your acts and attitude. You’ve given multiple moderators hell in their job for how you act and you make commotion when its not needed. Most of all you talk behind other mod’s backs if you are frustrated with them. Thats a cowardly move. If you are upset over a mod’s actions then go talk to them. If things get bad then go talk to an admin.
-I’ve reviewed your forum posts and I have to say I’m highly disappointed with your actions on the forums. You’ve even been warned that you’d be banned on the forums, something I thought is not made possible by a existing player on the server. It makes me wonder how many lines are you going to cross thinking you’ll last. You’ve promised to be a better person here: but I have seen little to no change from you.
-Added on a mod team there is a certain degree of discipline you’ll need. Surely you will have to have it so that you can work with mods on different ranks. The reason for ranks is to denote who has more experience and who has done a better job/qualified as a leader. Paying them respect is good because that way you can work well with them. However as said above in my point about your attitude towards moderators you’ve shown that you can’t cooperate with numerous mods. And so that will be a huge stumbling point for you.
-The reason why I’m not giving you a chance is because I run by a 3 strikes rule that Skills641 had pre taught me. You’ve wasted all 3 chances I’ve given you [2 in 1 day…no clue how that happened]. I’m not trying to be rude or mean or nasty towards you. I don’t necessarily hate you but I do view that I’ve given enough chances to someone who takes it for granted and so I view you not a valuable asset to the mod team but a stalling point that will do more harm than good.Yes I logged in purely to vote on this one mod app. I’m not trying to go to lengths to destroy your chances, but you’ve proven yourself not ready at all to me. I’m very disappointed in your behaviour and how you act on the server and I’m very annoyed at your attitude towards the mod team especially when you even dared to attack my recruiter.
I’d like you to review this for real and see if you actually have what it takes:
Think very carefully over and over again if you really have what it takes.
This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by
Good job K1NG
You look great, stop freaking out.
I’d like to recommend trouble in terrorist town. Basically there are a couple variations but the standard one is there is a traitor and a bunch of innocents. Weapons are scattered around the map and you are allowed to grab which ever weapon you need. Traitors try to kill the innocents and the innocents try to snuff out the traitor.
Video is an example done by NODE in Garry’s mod. If you aren’t interested, least you’ll have a funny video to watch where you shoot the table at a world peace summit.I still see zero improvement in how you act with your attitude. You are undeniable in the fact you know what you need to do in the server, but whats the point of knowing what to do when your attitudes affect how you perform as a moderator. As Mega said, and I reinforce this point strongly is the fact you don’t get it when someone tells you something. Your strong headed in the fact you only look at your own way to go without thinking of what others have to say or comment with you. Honestly being on the mod team is more than just putting out reports and such on the forum. If you aren’t mature enough for being a moderator which in my opinion you lack the significant amount of maturity to accomplish that role, you won’t make it. You’ve shown yourself to be power hungry for moderatorship and on top of that I’ve seen your performance not just on my mod account but on alts and you’ve showed that you are two faced as a player. I do not feel you are ready at all for being a moderator and I honestly say it that I would not want to put up with any mod that has your attitude. You aren’t ready at all in my opinion. Its obvious my vote is down.
This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by