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2 ban appeals…come on -_-
August 9, 2013 at 1:17 am in reply to: Ban Apeal!! RAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #28854 Score: 0Proof? Ip? Any means necessary to state you are the real person? If you are going to make a ban appeal at least make it correctly and not into something that looks like spam. Raging at Skills641 will get you no where. He has his reasons for banning you. Unless you have proof you can counteract him stating you are innocent then don’t you dare start raging at Skills. You’ll only get yourself into deeper trouble.
Moderators have the proof they need to ban you. Find proof that can help you get back online.
This reply was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by
abdo take into account that this is two people hitting you and not one
I don’t see how it would be beneficial to the players if there were going to be weather change that could affect them due to lagging.
There should be a command that lets you to toggle fire to be on and off. Do /help to see if there is one.
Disco, I’ve seen night time and rain on the server lots of times…….
Great buildings
Disco if you are in a town just toggle firespread on and then light the fire then turn it back off.
Actually, rain and thunder causes lag spikes to a lot of players and on top of that it honestly is annoying to a bunch of players.
Just a suggestion even though thats a cool map. Why not make the land around the arena more full of lava fire and magma. It could look like the volcano did damage all over the normal terrain and you are left with this dead terrain with fire and dead shrubs and such. Just a thought though you don’t have to take it.
I recommend you find plugins that would not change the game drastically but change it in tiny ways like examples:
-steps plugins
-anti cheat related
etcMods as explained by Toni will require too much drastic change and also will probably not be accepted onto EC due to cracked client updates and server conflicts.
You realize having this type of mod would mean server would need to be adapted to it not to mention the new cracked clients that would have to be made. This will be too much havoc and on top of that this will change the gameplay too much.
Furniture wise I recommend the plugin that makes it so you can sit in vanilla minecraft steps. Just need to add it to the server. No mods required. Just a plugin that makes minecraft steps act as chairs with a right click.
That looks awesome
Toni also with unbreaking X maybe?
Toni maybe just make it so you get those op axes that can one hit make a block disappear?
This reply was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by