Forum Replies Created
1) On a HG server at one point it was a district minecraft hunger games server. That said it meant that you’d be on teams and you’ve listed in districts. I was put in District 12 and well, my team sucked donkey balls. District 12 all but me were killed in the whole first 5 minutes. The other districts 1 through 4 fought it out with each other while I was alone and running over the trees to get away. They weakened each other then finally I started singling out people and taking them down. With this I actually won the match by myself. The game also had an admin and she was the final person I took down so I got a nickname on the server. I was known as Torrington’s Ghost. After that though the server closed
2) One of the richest SV players and I’m also a solo player owning 4 towns [watching over 2] so yea…although I’m not proud…its killing me >.<
3) Halo 4, my first assassination I killed my friend by assassinating him while we both fell off the edge of the map.
4) Halo Reach, actually doing the glitch where you survive the last level and also the Pillar of Autumn destruction glitch.
5) My youtube video hitting 93000 views and counting. Nearly to 100k. My first 100k views.
I usually am not proud of achievements of my own…these were rare occasions.
@Wither you damn banhappy SoB. Stop getting high.
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by
Pretty obvious I’d vote down.
A moderator needs to be book smart and attitude smart. Its a basic necessity for a moderator. Your attitude isn’t smart. One day you’re respectful then the next day you’re plain right a pain in the ass. As banana said us mods we have to take in bs and there is a limit to how much we can take. You’re arrogant, you can feel free to deny it but when a bunch of people have said it, I’m pretty sure that should be a sign that you’re attitude needs to change. Active in a game doesn’t mean anything if you aren’t a good player.Now I’m hungry…damnit
You realize its November? Start of the school year for most. I don’t know which part of the world you live in but whatever goes on there with school year times whatever. The point is, its the start of a school year. People are busy. Minecraft < Education <— If you guys are smart that is. I get it feels the server is desolate but at the same time its cause its the beginning of school. It was like this when I logged back in in late 2013. Same now, school is happening and its hectic. I’m nearly graduating and even I have problems getting on at times so honestly man, I’d appreciate you stop with these EC is dying posts. EC isn’t even near dead. Thats like saying you’re 16 and life is over because you’re bored.
You’re not bad as a player. You were one of the better in the community from the time before you were mod. Even till now you’ve still shown yourself as a mature and responsible individual doing your daily tasks.
Keep up the good work.Nice but I don’t need it 😛 Running 1160 FPS
Denied, Tom can’t die. In fact you can’t kill him in dreams so you are LYING!
Don’t take this seriously…I send this to anyone I know who has a birthday coming up. Pretty funny song.
You did something wrong and now you are blaming a moderator. You aren’t even trying on this ban appeal…just plain pathetic. You disobey moderators and you have no respect for them and your attitude is horrid. If it weren’t for this, you should’ve been banned for your attitude. I hope you stay banned either for good or till you actually learn your lesson and learn to admit to your mistakes. Even if its not written in the rules maybe you should have something called common sense.
You said confirm….so here you go…I confirm you lack common sense and you lack respect.
This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by
If this is factions…why’d you make this in the prison ban appeal area…
^ again point proven.
I have did a dam fine job!
^ Point Proven
now I don’t even do that maybe in the pass but the pass was the pass
^ I’m talking about now, when you brag about your money or when you talk about your accomplishments out of the blue in chat filling it up with yourself, its annoying and I’m honestly getting sick of seeing that.
MSN I don’t even see you like that ingame how can I be nice to you but your not even ingame? and when I do see you its on the weekends or sometimes on the weekdays
^ The times I’m online might be a useful time?Being a moderator does not mean reporting a bunch of people alone. That only shows your commitment to the server. Its based on other things to. Moderators have to be attitude and book smart. Again if you want to argue against my POV then go ahead. It won’t change anything since its my own POV. You asked the question and I answered it simple as that. But if it makes you happy you can keep going on arguing…not my problem.
Dealt with
Why this again? After seeing your last post it shows you can’t take criticism by people and you’d try to prove them wrong with irrelevant points. What is the point of this post then?
As a friend: No comment, I decide on who to befriend and who I want to talk to.
As a player: You may be a good mc player but you’re ego is writing up warns and reports that you won’t be able to count. Sure you haven’t been warned lately, but you are arrogant, boastful, narcissistic, immature and you like to make others feel below you. After your last post, it showed you honestly don’t give a damn what people say about you unless its good. You don’t try to adjust so that you can be a better person to others who don’t feel comfortable around you. You look for praise in the wrong places and that is just stupid. Also watching you quote that you are capable of being mod is sickening.
Nice Guy: You haven’t shown me you are nice.
Reports: Jaansher covered it up but I’d vote you a middle down. 1/4 is more likely proper while the other 3/4 are just plain lag/glitches.
This in your last post covered up how you act:
You sit here and wonder why people hate you yet you bitch at how terrible people are.People are going to be dicks, that doesn’t mean you have to be a dick back, learn to control your anger.Also, you sat here and gave us a choice “Do you like more or not.” When people said they liked you, you went on saying how right they were and how great of a person they are. When people say they did not like you, you yelled and threw a fit on how they had legit reasons to dislike you, and continued to bitch at them for saying so. Its their choice, not yours.I suggest you don’t make a topic like this again, as all it does is set you off.All your doing is denying everything people say when its negative, thats what pisses me off.
^ I don’t even have to write that paragraph since someone has taken the time to write what I wanted to say. Honestly man its up to you. You can mature up and take what others say about you into consideration or you can once again try to prove my point of view wrong which is just bullshit since its my point of view on you and nothing else. The reason why you are being ganged up by other players is because they honestly are sick of the way you act. However you decide to come on here to make these useless posts to try and figure out why when the answer is right smack in front of you. If you argue with me then I win. It shows you aren’t capable of maturing up.
And let me just point this one last thing out. If you want mod you won’t make it due to how you’re acting. The mod team looks for people who have the maturity to take up that position and are capable of adjustments. You honestly don’t seem to have one little bit of maturity in you or a moral compass [again maybe you lack it]
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by