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You realize the moderators and born are probably busy trying to GET THE SERVER ONLINE! I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the server’s been buggy for the past 2 days…so stop complaining and let born finish his stuff before he actually gets to you. Your problem is a one person problem. The server being down is probably a 300 person problem (for players and mods) Born will look at your problem when he has time. He’s A BUSY PERSON so stop acting immature about this. He would NOT rob you of your money.
Well I’m pretty sure police officers serve the public trust, protect the innocent, and uphold the law (robocop ref) and that they will do what is right to help make the area they are in juvenile free. And since that is a good thing I’m pretty sure it should be a good statement I guess :/
What the hell did I just say O_o
You remind me of a cop I know……….
Dude I know you’ve heard to be patient but as you can see the site and servers have been in a bit of havoc since last night (in my time zone it was night). You realize your not the only one who is experiencing some tech difficulties and stuff so (and I know you heard this before) just wait. Born or some other mod will probably help you out sooner or later. Dude don’t forget Born is a busy person and he’s also fair. He wouldn’t cheat you for your money I’m pretty sure.
Lol, after playing 2 years of Minecraft in its alpha style I really guess I didn’t like the new things added. And trust me Invader, I completed most challenges in the old shitty server I played on with my team. Its just with these new changes…new players keep wanting stuff changed and it affects some veteran gamers of Minecraft.
Minecraft was complicated in the alpha/beta 1.7.3 and under days. If you didn’t find any coal your fucked for the first night. Now its complicated in a pain in the ass way.
This reply was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by
This always made me chuckle but seeing this now I don’t know why but I am tearing up from laughing too hard.
I have quite the list since I’m a veteran player who really didn’t like changes after 1.8.1. The only reason I still play minecraft is because friends keep it alive for me. Other than that there really isn’t a point. No I do not have anything against Jeb. I get he is trying and putting a lot of work into this but at the same time a lot of stuff to me is unnecessary.
My list (warning LONG):
-Ranged Bow
-1.8.1 and above Land terrain
-Testificates look retarded (like why not make them look like tales of kingdom’s AIs?…squidward REALLY!?)
-Minecraft Official and above’s ore scatter is SHIT (players don’t value ANYTHING ANYMORE)
-Fireworks!?!?!? (Not bad idea but WHY)
-Endermen (STUPID)
-Enderdragon (STUPID…they ripped that idea of Minecraft Alpha’s abandoned project of a Dragon)
-Items being crafted into more? (Ie signs ladder etc…VALUE!?)
-Diamond sword nerf (Related to ore scatter…you use to value your diamond sword)
-Wither (Seriously?)
-Beacons (Don’t fit in!)
-Ladder nerf (Ladder space ladder space [only alpha players get it])
-Bedrock Fog (ANNOYING)
-The End (Ripped off InDev floating islands)
-New Launcher (You’ve got to be kidding me…)
-Sorted Terrain 1.8 and above(Not like Beta 1.7.3 and under’s intricate terrain [snowy desert…no biomes] which really brought minecraft’s intricate designs)
-Rotten flesh on zombie pigs (meh not bad but I like pork chops better)
-Charcoal (not bad add on but contributed to people’s mining laziness)
-new book crafting recipe
-new sounds are shit
-chest animation is annoying in multiplayer AND singleplayerFeel free to disagree with me on any of these but I an entitled to my own opinions
This reply was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by
I hate people like that as well but again spacebound…please just try and get some proof of this…moderator’s will have a harder time catching that little shit if they don’t have proof.
Wolves are bugged with Tping…I don’t know if its suppose to be like that with wolves or if its a bug but on 2 other servers I use to play on, if I did have a wolf, they would follow me even after teleporting.
If F2 in Minecraft doesn’t work for you, depending on your OS
For windows:
-Use the print screen button
-Open paint
-Paste the picture
-Save it
-Upload itI have no idea for Mac since I haven’t used MAC OS for quite a while and have to get back into remembering how to use it. If you are on a windows OS then you can have a chance to catch him using the print screen function.
Spacebound…this is how you become trial mod. You don’t get to be trial just by donating as born says:
-That forum is by Bender
Spacebound if you could try and get proof of that sucker (screenshots) then you might have a chance of shutting him up.
July 23, 2013 at 1:00 pm in reply to: Benders Guide TO Recognition OF Trial Moderator. #27205 Score: 0IVI4ST3R…you cannot make moderator applications anymore due to immature kids putting immature comments on the apps. The only way to be a moderator is to follow what bender has stated in this forum post and to see if the moderating team will pick you to be a moderator or not.
Its looks nice though …but its sorta small…I mean I don’t know the precise size of it and maybe another couple floating platforms around it? Just a suggestion you don’t have to take it
July 22, 2013 at 10:15 pm in reply to: Someone lured me LittleLillie and Jakeg123123 #27166 Score: 0Did he randomly send you a teleport and you accepted it?
This reply was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by