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I’m a mix of Jap Music and Rock 😛
Just for teh lolz:
October 25, 2014 at 6:31 am in reply to: What do you think about me? (DarkKnightz17) #83101 Score: 0Awesome
Meme failed three times >.<
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First of all, from what I’ve seen, you sometimes start the fight. Don’t go declaring yourself as a good player. No one is a good player unless skills base then yes. But attitude wise…don’t even say it. No one should self proclaim themselves as a good player since we all have our ugly side and we’ve all probably shown it. Second of all from what Wither said, yes…what goes around comes around. I’ve seen the way you treat people. I don’t deny you are nice to some but to others you aren’t. These people probably treat you bad because you’ve offended them in some way. Third people making you mad…now that’s a pathetic excuse to go breaking the rules of respect. I for one hate it when people say someone made me mad so I yelled at them back. It basically means I’m exempt from rules because I’m pissed off. Be the mature one. If they are being an idiot and throwing insults at you, don’t even say anything, screenshot it, and report it. The end! Thats the mature approach, don’t be like Ima report you or shut up or whatever. Just be silent. You’d be giving them what they want by being upset or angry. Besides we have a /ignore command for a reason. If someone is being a dick and you can’t handle it, TADA ignored. Fourth you really should watch your hubris/arrogance. I know this topic is purely on what you are trying to figure out so I will give you some insight. Watch the arrogance …its annoying. Personally if you are arrogant in front of me, you won’t have to worry about anything in your life like life insurance, where you want to go to college etc…because you are about to die. Arrogance makes others feel like shit. You are the type that likes to tell about your achievements. Nothing wrong with that. But when you are going to use it to brag then you should take that pride and shove it down your throat. No one likes a bragger.
When a person is a dick to you, realize they have their own problems they are currently facing and that they are taking it out on you. Most bullies/people are like that. Don’t be upset, just realize that they are insecure or uncomfortable about something. If it gets bad, report it. And if it gets really bad /ignore will do the job. If you feel really bad, go and get off the server and do something else. Being on the server is not important if it means some jerk is on making you feel bad. Just get off and relax.
If they’re trolls, realize they are sad and have no life and then repeat what is above.
Don’t cry…watch this:
Vote Down:
-As noted, your inactive on the forums. You need to be both active on the forums and the server [both of which I don’t see you achieve] to be a valid moderator. You are obliged to help with both forums and server wide. However I don’t see that from you
-I honestly don’t see you helping a lot. The time you are on I see nothing from you in the factor of helping.
-The thing is you are applying for trial rank. You aren’t applying for a higher rank nor CAN you apply for the higher rank. Hence forth you are overlooking your duties on the server. As a moderator that can be dangerous to overlook what you are suppose to do and can’t do. You need to know your place first and know where you stand.
-Being a moderator doesn’t mean you had to be one of those guys that just goes around reporting people. You can report 100 something times but at the end of the day it doesn’t matter if it reflects on your actions being poor. Just thought I’d let you know that.
-A moderator has to be attitude smart and book smart. I don’t know if you are book smart as you have said but I know you aren’t attitude smart considering you’ve been warned multiple times for your behaviour. If a moderator isn’t disciplined then the moderator will not work well on the team.If you really wanted a shot at being a mod I’d suggest you try and improve on these points. This is my own POV on you. Nothing personal.
Vote Down
Its nothing personal but I told you I’d be dead honest. I’d be lying if I voted you up and I felt you are not qualified.
-Arrogance, though your arrogance is not so outstanding in your personality, its still there. I only needed to have two conversations with you and it was enough for me to determine that you have hubris. You feel you are fine and you seem to neglect your mistakes/improvement points.
-Stability/Solidity, after talking to you and what you’ve told me, it seems one big instance is enough to crack you down. This can be worked on and if this continues then it will affect you in your job. Most mods that have reached the heights of ranks I have heard each and everyone’s stories that I have had interest in. Most of the high ranks have gone through a lot of huge instances/incidents where it was enough to knock them down to their knees but they still chose to stand up again. However you don’t seem to be like so. I pepped talked to you yes but did you take it for yourself to improve upon? If you feel so then ok but in my eyes you haven’t.On the other hand, I was an Expert Moderator here, but due to my life turning around and screwing me over my mod work wasn’t professional enough and my attitude was getting worse. So over all I was pretty stressed
The point is you shouldn’t let such things bite you. I know mods going through rougher s*** than you and they still try their best to do what they want to do as a mod and not let it get to them. You can’t hide behind the reason that your family will affect you in what you do. This goes for life as well…its two options [1. suck it up and acknowledge your mistakes and try to remember not to make them again/2. blame it on something]
-POV, my pov I was utterly disappointed with how you moderate. Again nothing personal and I’m not trying to gun at you and I understand moderators have different ways of approach, but you seem not to be able to tell that you need improvements on such fields. You can also come as rude to some mods when you ask for help. Its not like I’m going to kick your a** for not saying please and thank you, but its the way you ask. I’d appreciate if you fix your mannerism first because even if you feel its fine the way you speak, others won’t take it as well.
-Your demotion was something for you to think about and it seems you honestly have no idea why you were demoted. I would’ve thought that you would be able to tell why at this point but at this point I still don’t think you get it. I rather you understand why first and then try for mod.I’m not saying you are all bad, but I feel you aren’t ready. I already told you I’d be honest and this is my honesty here. You can disagree with me but until I see any change from you, my vote remains down. I’m not boasting that I’m better than you and can see your faults, but I’m speaking what I feel you need to work on. You can decide either to take it and make do with it, or lie to yourself that you have taken it and improved yourself with it.
Don’t disappoint the ones who are rooting for you.
You were given ample warning not to bypass. You kept doing so however. You will remained permanently banned. Go find some other server to play on.
Mizodaspy if you don’t have anything helpful to say, then you should not say anything at all.
Use the correct template to try again on your ban appeal and we will see about what your fate is.
Just becareful what you say.
Anderzenz I’d appreciate you stop with how you reply on the forum topics. I’ve seen that you have the tendency to speak in a tone that isn’t very good. You are not a mod and for that reason your decision on this doesn’t matter since you have no authority in decisions on who gets unbanned or not/blocked. Its up to the moderators to decide on whether or not you will be unbanned or not/blocked from the forums. I’d appreciate you stop and if I continue to see this, it will be met with consequences.
101dog…I’ll talk to the headmoderators and then a final decision will be made.
I’d honestly like to ask you this once and only once:
Two choices
-Actually take what you can from these posts that others make to improve on yourself and mature up.
-Stop making these posts if you won’t do choice number 1…The fact is you don’t listen. Age isn’t a factor in being a mod but maturity is. You still hide behind the fact you are 9. I’m pretty sure this is a clear answer as to why your mod apps aren’t accepted and you are downing your chances.
This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by
I think with how everyone is reacting, I’ve placed my vote since its been proven that you’ve had your chance
Vote Down
I’m not placing my vote yet. However I’d like to see this more from you considering your actions on survival and your attitude:
-Has to be cool headed and doesn’t have any erratic behavior. Has to remain neutral towards aggression.
-Has to be friendly and willing to help.When seeing you on the survival server I have not seen you highlighting these traits and I along with other moderators have warned you a couple times due to your behavior. I’m not placing a vote yet since I’d like to see improvement first in the fields I mentioned. A moderator cannot solely rely on being book smart but must also be attitude smart.
Unbanned…do not hack again or you will be perma banned.
I’m not saying a mistake was made and I won’t take sides. However take it this way…mods aren’t computers that will be 100% on the money. In fact even a computer can’t be…*looking at you anti cheat you piece of shit* but however let me say this…if you truly believe this, then the prison mods will present their evidence or they will check into it. Be patient. Don’t flip out. You aren’t helping if you are freaking out.
Just for the record Lucmus and K1NGR3AER….you guys really didn’t have to repeat the same thing twice. Hablaman already dealth with it….
This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by