Richard (Ричард)
Forum Replies Created
The headmods have access to the server’s backup saves. I bet his stuff would be in some chest.
I don’t think this is necessary. We already have a section reserved for suggestions in the Factions part. Anybody who has suggestions can just make a topic there.
Sethy-p… man **** it.
God damnit, Xavier.
Yeah… no.
Vote down.
1. Anonymity on the server
2. Never seen you online
3. Never see you reporting
4. Never see you helping
5. I’ve seen you about three times in my lifetime
6. …and I’ve never seen you on the forums
7. Not enough experience as a member on EC
8. Not enough experience as a moderator
9. Tons of info missing
10. Tons of useless stuff written in this document
11. “…I have been playing EC for 2 years or so…” This is hard to believe, I’ve never seen you. I’ve been here since 1 and a 1/2 years, and I never saw you
12. “…i have been moderators in other servers…” Please be specific. State how many servers, or approximate if you can’t
13. “…I am online on weekends and i play 5-6 hours in EC.” As I have said before, the only times I’ve seen you were like three or four. And all of them were at Survival
14. “…I see now that EC is becoming a very famous server…” Ahh, trying to curry favor, eh? Flattery won’t get you anywhere. At least not on this server
15. “…i would like to help let them no the rules … to do or what this game is about etc.” You can do that as a member
16. “Most of the people who play minecraft are corrupted… bad words…” And have you any proof of this outrageous generalisation?
17. “…i would like to tell that to the new comers or warn them…” You can do that as a member
18. “…cyber bullying is very bad in some cases they even commit suicide…” Nothing to spice an application up like a bit of extreme drama!
19. “…i know how to be a moderator.” Oh, and everybody knows how to become a moderator. Work hard, help others, be active, never commit offences…
20. Overall, poor application-
This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by
Richard (Ричард).
Don’t be mean 😮
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uŒصéث ¾ى©؛’±ه ƒ6€œëطwؤk÷2گءR¼†±*ب×تüMù×W”Œd)اژآ ü ں‰N»غ؟t؛”R·Q¨ً饧ا³ً‰Œ<6Aêِoلبچش|g°Gû¾›}ڈ´کڈ÷T¤_zم@ژgتظëy1طX°µَلن»م‹ڈâgهء0…€ر–G×*بê‘إ8؟آ& ×؟†hطپ©إ¥R¾{Jْتi€”حè^ê‘8ƒٌ،†ف—K-ّyڑüوأB†لچœڈi8׉„gجµ£ى\م…#-mFيµ;؛›©آzؤخمٌژîUى%¸ڈٍ،فµg’ْƒ‹D!n¦®Fb\¢0®فké!#1LلYّ^ûaل©¥·†ïًk؟ّé^$çù‰8ـ$D¸گ7~ƒ¹4~d+م.دy^âbù<جâ4کبإr،ؤس©ٍâJB
¶Rهءٌ†ykكQز ژےI`Mہڈ®•ًµًصچ !îDqَكkک™َ±ھp†¾VWü8•قUنk}™يكںûں[K’â…„£Don’t you just love it when your sole piece of evidence gets corrupted?
I have evidence of me telling the plot owner not to remove the chests. I don’t know who removed them, but I suspect Psycho decided he wanted to clear some land, so he asked a guardian+ to destroy them.
Are logs acceptable?
This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by
Richard (Ричард).
This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by
Richard (Ричард).
Define advertisement.
I don’t think that counts as advertising. Zz asked a question, and Dun, being the assumed nice guy he is, answered it. He might not know that counts as advertising, nor might he know that he’s supposed to answer the question using /msg.
“p.s. You guys better not clear my chests in Australia, I might come back.” Last paragraph.
IGN: MrInvis
Number: 17First you were all like “I didnt hack,” then you be all like “I CONFESS USE HACKED.” Now you’re back to the old “I didnt use hack heres proof plz thx.”
The “proof” does not show anything, other than the already-obvious fact that you were there.
Has been suggested on more than one account, so I believe it has been denied/postponed.
I personally believe this addition would be useful, attracting you-tubers and players to our server, yet the number 50 is too small. 500 subscribers is more appropriate if this group is going to be implemented.
(I’m pretty sure you made this ‘cuz’ your channel just got 50 subscribers)
So you’re basically saying that the moderators are a bunch of douches that ban and unban according to their random moods. That is untrue.
As Kevin stated, the moderators will never ban someone without “solid 100% proof.” In fact, doing so without the evidence is considered abusing permissions, and can result in penalties and punishments, ranging from warnings to demotions to temporary bans/mutes.
This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by