Richard (Ричард)
Forum Replies Created
I heard today was Yom Arafat. You better be fasting, Oreo.
(Russia has many Muslims, both ethnic Russians and Arabs)October 3, 2014 at 4:38 pm in reply to: rockstorm125 mod application for the prison server #81192 Score: 0Vote down.
1. New player
2. Never been on the forums
3. English very not good
4. Anonymity on the forums/server
5. Not enough experience as a member
6. Not enough experience as a moderator
7. I’ve been online for a few days, never seen you online except once
8. Never see you speaking in the general chat
9. Never see you helping
10. Never see you reporting
11. No template/wrong template used
12. “im good with everybody…” Right from the start, and you’re bragging
13. “…literally play the whole day in ec…” That’s complete BS. I’ve been playing on Prison for a bit, and you’re never on!
14. “…i help many starter people who doesnt get anything i explain it to them…” First of all, pics or didn’t happen. Second of all, what is the word “it” substituting? Basic Russian? Grandma’s secret cookie recipe? Theoretical Rocket Engineering?
15. “…i have played many prison servers…” Define “many.” Please be specific in your application
16. “…i dont help them giving them money i just encourage them to work hard and tell them to play fair…” No reason for this to be in your application
17. “…i always stop the people to staop using abusive language…” Ni**a people be swearin’ and s**t in Prison and you be like “Selling stuff.” I seen no stoppin to no abusivin language yo, you know what I’m saiyin?
18. “…silcat and her first comment was that she wanted a boyfriend so i told her that this is a server where she should not talk about it…” Actually, that’s allowed. I think relationships, romance, and kissing is considered pious and pure compared to what Prison is all about. Trash talk, drugs, black markets, stuff that doesn’t fit the PG-13 label EC claims to have
19. “…i have been playing ec like a year maybe now…” I’ve been for two years, yet I’ve never seen you. Coincidence?
20. You can help people as a member, no need to become a moderator for that to happen
21. ” atlast just want to… other people.” That’s so cheesy. No need for this to be in your application
22. “…i was always on creative…” Weird, I used to be an admin on Creative, yet I’ve never seen you
23. “…i also know about towny…” This is a Prison moderator application. No need to “Putin” your knowledge of the towny concepts and commands
24. Tons of irrelevant information written in the application
25. Tons of information missing from the application
26. Overall, poor application#RichardsGroceryList
Eid has come with blessings and presents, and this application is mine.
Vote down.
1. New player
2. Never been on the forums
3. Anonymity on the forums/game
4. Not enough experience as a member
5. Not enough experience as a moderator
6. This is literally the first topic you’ve ever made. And it’s an application. Wow
7. I ate at Nando’s and my butthole is burning
8. Not enough experience as a forums member
9. No template. You are supposed use the template when making applications, and you didn’t
10. This application is really short. I’ve seen better
11. Never seen you reporting
12. I’ve seen you at one point, you never talk on the chat
13. Nor do you help other players
14. You can help players as a member
15. You can also report rule-breakers on the forums or to a moderator
16. If you’re still working on your attitude, then you shouldn’t have written an application. You are supposed to be sure of the helpfulness and positivity of your attitude before becoming a moderator
17. Not a sign of your experience as a player/member on EC, other servers, and MC in all.
18. Nor is there a sign of how good you are in PvP, crafting skills, knowledge of the concepts of the game….
19. Overall, not the worst application I’ve seen, yet needs to be worked onI see potential. Do not be discouraged by us and our votes. Learn from them, apply what you’ve learnt to your attitude and knowledge, and you’re good to go.
Entities are disabled on Creative, so it’s impossible for the plugin to be implemented there.
This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by
Richard (Ричард).
Topic should be closed, player unbanned.
October 1, 2014 at 10:26 pm in reply to: This Is why im a bad player in this server :/ #80988 Score: 0Shots fired.
You did disrespect him too by calling his mom gay…
Vote down.
You, sir, are not able personality-wise. You’re not confident enough.
Disclaimer: This is a perfect reenactment of what a Russian does in the bar.
Vote down.
I’m really busy today, so all what I’m gonna is this: whenever you write, you tend to make what I believe to be the biggest run-ons in the face of grammar. Every single post you write makes me imagine you are a California girl talking to somebody. “Omg Tracey look at her butt Omgg he’s so hot omg 9;10;839248210 omg omg.” Those posts you make are always huge rectangles of text full of slang and incomprehensible language. So yeah, nyet grammar
Oh, and you got banned multiple times.
And JUST YESTERDAY, you made a topic about how you’re gonna quit. Yeah.
This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by
Richard (Ричард).
Ye forgot to mention me, ye greet daftie
Wait a second, I geddit. He called Leo a pussy, and tavon mocked Tito by claiming he doesn’t get pussy… Wow
September 30, 2014 at 2:32 pm in reply to: Mist here you go! :D My newest Youtube video! #80808 Score: 0It’s called stoner music, yet it doesn’t make me a stoner when I listen to it.
No wonder you don’t have any friends.
It’s better if you make a topic about that…
This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by