Richard (Ричард)
Forum Replies Created
Well, I died and lost all of my items. I went to the ore mining area in /warp d, where saw a couple of stacks of cobble and a stack of iron ingots on the surface. did /spawn, then /warp d. I wanted to craft some tools, so I went to the wood area. I chopped/broke a log with my bare hands, then I clicked on my iron (same area), which disappeared. I waited for a couple of minutes, still didn’t come back. I removed, and the iron still didn’t come back.
This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by
Richard (Ричард).
It isn’t on main chat, it’s on language chat mode. He’s MemberL.
Try /warp mini (if it’s there)
This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by
Richard (Ричард).
Afking is allowed, it’s just discouraged. Players are automatically kicked by the console if afking for 10 minutes.
1. You’re disrespecting him on the title
2. Trading accounts is allowed
3. This topic doesn’t make sense. He’s not an idiot, he’s a player wishing to make a trade
4.Further more, he won’t be punished. If you don’t want to give your account, just decline the offerPlease refrain from using disrespectful words in the forums.
Pvpers and popular players would get lots of votes, and I can give you a mile-long list of immature ones.
dark, how is this related to the topic?
It’s really unlikely that you got banned by mistake. Mods never ban unless there’s solid proof that you x-rayed. It might be a mistake, since I know you (you’re a pretty decent guy), but anything’s possible…
Later, some god damn hipster will buy this keyboard, since it isn’t “mainstream.”
5. Tristam-Guardian
4. Pillar-Frontline
3. Slipknot-Before I Forget
2. Breaking Benjamin-Blow Me Away
1. Imagine Dragons-RadioactiveCouldn’t edit, so I’ll just say this:
It’s surprised, not surprized…
Since it’s your first time getting banned, you’ll get unbanned. If you don’t want to chat, turn it off. You can request to be muted, yet it’s not wise.-
This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by
Richard (Ричард).
This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by