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  • in reply to: Server Manager ~ Rogue_Art #136921 Score: -1

    16 pts

    2Federal, most of what he said is cherry picked and taken out of context. ImYoDaddy does not care for ec anymore. He deleted his own town and tried to delete his creations. He also seriously abused in the end and gave two players an inventory of diamonds.

    But tavon, if you believe that we should make our community better, then you can help us too. We’re all part of the community, and instead of complaining about these problems, you could help us by directlky suggesting us on what to do from these sorts of scenarios. For example: Should we replace Rogue_Art? Who could replace him? What actions could we do to prevent this sort of a thing from happening? What could the mod team due to make the server more professional? Those types of suggestions would help us make the server better and maybe one day, even better than the old EC.

    in reply to: EC ADMINS EXPOSED #136912 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Anyways, ImYoDaddy and XXK1NGR3APERXX resigned.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by  Rogue_Art.
    in reply to: EC ADMINS EXPOSED #136905 Score: 0

    16 pts

    “As for now, ImYoDaddy’s verdict may change.” ImYoDaddy’s verdict has been changed.

    -ImYoDaddy and XXK1NGR3APERXX has been demoted to ExpertMod and Builder respectively. The reasoning? Any damage (or impact we should say) has been reversed and they can’t do any more abuse. Unruly behavior in addition this will be an instant demotion for them.
    -XXK1NGR3APERXX will have the farm deleted
    -XXK1NGR3APERXX will have his money reset
    -Adding the controls I listed above

    “.. Why do you need a plugin to control mods? We’re not machines. or what do you mean by using plugins to control us?” You’ll see. It’s not a huge control, but it’s just to stop this sort of thing from ever happening again (placing spawners, spawning in items, etc). Hopefully this abuse issue ends.

    “Evidence is on this post.. ImYoDaddy says the enchanting tables are from creative and rogue says their probably from him buying them. (Disappointed)”

    We can’t necessarily explain an admin’s actions as to why there may be 64 enchanting tables in a chest. However, after admitting to this, he has been punished.

    “No offense, but the current admin+ team (Excluding Ze and Salty) has an image of a raging group of immature and ignorant kids with an urge to subdue other players in order to feel important. They are rude, offensive and abusive and I see no point in keeping them as mods.”

    I’ll see if I can put the team into better shape. I won’t be allowing any sort of this to happen again.

    in reply to: EC ADMINS EXPOSED #136897 Score: 0

    16 pts

    I’m going to make sure that this sort of a thing never repeats ever again, as our players are our top priority.

    I’ll be adding stricter controls to the higher echelon of the mod team. For one, I’ll make it so that mob spawners cannot be placed by ANYONE. I might even remove creative mode from admins in survival world and let them use /give (commands will be logged) if they ever need to get items. I’ll be defining rules more strictly for mods, so that confusion won’t result in a problem like this in the future. I’ll also look into more plugins to allow us to control mods better.

    This whole post has been a learning experience for the whole mod team and will only continue to enrich the server as a whole.

    As for now, ImYoDaddy’s verdict may change.

    in reply to: EC ADMINS EXPOSED #136894 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Here’s what I was trying to say with the metaphor. Let’s say I’m a 60 year old person? I can’t claim that this is me:×4-700×933.jpg . There is no way you can just claim that I am or I am 60 years old without some sort of definite proof, in the same way you can’t say what these players were doing with only out-of-context evidence that is not 100% proven without doubt. I could just as easily not be 60 years old, as some of these mods could’ve not abused.

    “Who knows if he’s constantly abusing. We don’t know. You don’t always know either.” If his impact is unnoticeable, then it’s more likely that he’s not abusing than he is. Even if he was abusing, it would be such a small impact that wouldn’t affect other players or himself in a meaningful way. If you world edit, you’re not just going to world edit 10 blocks. However, he’s already been dealt with weeks ago. I mean just look at the image, 22 days ago! He’s also deleted that grass patch.

    “Team, Experience, System and Effort is necessary to be successful.”

    Yes I agree as well. What I was trying to say was that we are on par with EC survival, in terms of FEATURES, before it was deleted. We’ve had more updates and features in 1 month than EC survival had in months.

    “With Crackshots, Skills already developed them in mob area years ago……”

    That got removed like a year before EC went down after arenas world was completely deleted off the server.

    “We understand, you can’t give out punishments, can’t admit to the abuse, but it’s alright”

    A picture showing that items were deposited in a chest 400 hours ago is not proof without doubt. There are millions of scenarios that he could be possible. For example, what if ImYoDaddy was building something and he bought enchanting tables? What if he was abusing and spawned it in (as it was found out to be)? What if he accidentally placed it? What if he was testing some new feature? The reason why I’m defending him is that we have a system of “innocent unless proven guilty” after the last scandal. Which means we won’t be banning anyone or taking things away from anyone, until we have enough proof to determine that someone is most likely guilty. However, after interrogating ImYoDaddy, it did turn out that he did it for his gain.

    ImYoDaddy has admitted to spawning in the items for his own use. I deleted (and will delete) all his diamond gear, enchanting tables, and hoppers, that he had in all of his chests. I’ll also delete any hoppers, enchanting tables, and diamond blocks he’s placed. His money has also been reset to 0. He’ll also be demoted to GuardianMod for 2 weeks. If he does this again, he will most likely see a full demotion and even a ban.

    Anyways, I can’t decide for sure without having talked to the mods. If there’s anything else you disagree with or need clarification on, be sure to reply to me.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by  Rogue_Art.
    in reply to: EC ADMINS EXPOSED #136890 Score: 0

    16 pts

    This album has a lot of holes and it immediately assumes the worst possible scenario. What I mean by this, is that this album just has a caption and a picture, without any REAL proof of abuse. It’s like me saying that I’m a 1 year old child and taking a picture off of google to “prove” that. Obviously, if I was asked to elaborate on that, then I’d be most likely found out as not being 1 year old. Or maybe I am a 1 year old prodigy, we cannot know either scenario for sure, can we? So let’s go through this picture by picture.

    The only person investigated in this was ImYoDaddy. AnderZENZ and xXK1NGR3APERXx
    Picture 1: This one is probably the easiest to say “mods are abusing”, but remember the spawner controversy two weeks ago? With people claiming that mods were abusing and were deleting spawners, etc. This could be something from during the incomplete investigation of that. If xxk1ng logged into a world using the same seed, saw that there was a spawner here, then until Waveware disproved it, it would’ve been fair game to put a spawner there because it “should’ve spawned”. Anyways, this spawner will most likely be deleted if it was a result of that.

    Pictures 2 and 3: ImYoDaddy is rich. Extremely rich, $500,000. He could’ve easily bought diamonds from multiple people or even mined that many. He also has a huge cactus farm, so he could’ve bought wood (to make chests for hoppers) and hoppers to expand his farm. Enchanting tables cannot be explained without personally talking to him. However, it could just be part of a building project or he could also be testing something. Maybe he was testing enchanting tables + hopper compatability and he was using diamond tools? It’s not always clear whether or not someone is doing something in an ill or a good manner. We can easily just delete that and reset his money if we need to. Also notice how on the 4th picture, he has 130 hour gap between 34 diamonds and 58 diamonds. That’s enough time to mine diamonds and get 10x more than that.

    Picture 5: Not sure what that is showing

    Picture 6: 516 hours ago. This was already dealt with :). Anders thought he could use world edit, I said “no you can’t”, and he stopped. Not like he is constantly abusing even right now.

    Picture 7: I allowed farms to be moved from mainland Primeval to another location via world edit. Could just be that 2 weeks ago (which would be around the time I allowed this), he moved his farm. He didn’t necessarily have to have world edited that farm.

    Picture 8, 9, 10: Now that’s interesting. That is the only picture in here where it would be VERY hard to explain what the process was behind that. That will definitely be asked about and penalized for if it is actually abuse

    Picture 11: Taken out of context. I’m pretty sure I go to say “in terms of features of course”. EC survival before dying didn’t have anything special, had a total of 4 events, didn’t have crates or crackshot, and lacked a lot of the plugins we have right now. It would still be an exaggeration, but in about half our areas, we’re already better than EC survival before shutting down.

    CriptiKGamer10’s picture: You do realize that picture is from December, a couple days after the server opened right? I deleted the farm way back. Currently that farm is my plot which has NOTHING on it.

    0010101’s heads: Deleted the heads. He killed players and got it back again.

    As for this “I told Rogue_art of the problem, he did not react but to instead ignored me. Which forced me to make this matter go public so that people understand that this isn’t the better EC”, I am not able to get a clear picture of the scenario without talking to the mods, who were asleep or busy at that time. Impatience wins again I’d say.

    I’m disappointed that you guys would fall for cheap confirmation bias and clickbait headlines. It saddens me that the logical thought process and the scientific method is losing its value. This whole situation is like claiming someone robbed your house with a picture of a lamp not there. Could you have moved the lamp? Could a robber actually have done it? Could you have had someone move it somewhere else? What if a wild animal knocked it over and out of your view? Consider every variable before calling out abuse. Investigations will be done to see what happened in each of these scenarios. If you have any questions or disagree with any of what I said, please respond to me in-game or here.

    in reply to: Server Connection Error (Under Maintenance) #136851 Score: 0

    16 pts


    Apparently an error caused us to create backups every 1 minute causing our server’s hard drive to become full (Using 30 GB for a 5 GB server!!!). As a result, players would go offline in a different area, put their items in a chest, and log off, and all the actions they had done wouldn’t have been registered. We backed up roughly half a day ago? I’m not entirely sure when but it was quite recent. The server should be fine for quite a long time.

    Unfortunately, the people who tried to connect while whitelist was on may have had their money reset. I can refund those people. Just mail me.

    However, we did have a couple errors with group manager and such, so we had to re-do the config. If you see ANY commands that you can’t use, then do /mail send Rogue_Art <error>. I will gladly fix them as soon as possible. You may also message me directly here.

    in reply to: EC revival? #136840 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Born is it possible for you to privately message me on skype?

    in reply to: EC revival? #136797 Score: 0

    16 pts

    New evidence means verdict can change. Investigation continues. For now, you will receive a full refund as we have an innocent unless proven guilty rule. We apologize for any inconvenience that has been caused. Enjoy your refund.

    As for Waveware’s point, we did not even notice that there were small differences in each world gen. We had made 7 copies of the world and (unluckily) had the same spawners spawn in the same areas. Next time we will conduct a more thorough investigation and use the innocent unless proven guilty system rather than the opposite. This will be an educative experience for the mod team, including myself.

    If further information turns up, then it may be possible that the verdict changes yet again.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by  Rogue_Art.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by  Rogue_Art.
    in reply to: EC revival? #136793 Score: 0

    16 pts


    Verdict: Your spawners have been deleted and will not be replaced because they are proven without a reasonable doubt that they do not exist in the regular world.

    Results of the investigation: Our control server which has the same map from 3 weeks ago (before even three towns were made) showed us that the mineshaft did have 2 cave spider spawners in the same y level four blocks away. HOWEVER, we have created the same exact world in single player in 1.8 (what I use) and in 1.8.8 (what the server runs on) only to find that there was one spawner where you said there were two.

    So far we have also found out that where you had 5 spawners (I believe 4 cave spider and 1 skeleton), actually had only two spawners. One cave spider and one skeleton. One cave spider spawner is already at that location so we will only refund a skeleton spawner.

    Reasoning for this verdict: If the world had generated so that these misplaced spawners had not been created in these locations, then we wouldn’t have to worry about this issue. This is the same as an error where a chunk, made completely out of diamond blocks, spawns. Just because you found it and “it was there”, does not mean that it is not an error and that it’s not supposed to be there. We would deal with both of these in the same way, deleting the chunk like deleting the spawner since those are both not supposed to exist there and shouldn’t be there anyways.

    Evidence: for spawners in the map that our server uses. for spawners in a world created with the same seed as our server world. If you believe this information is forged then go look for yourself. We will PM the server seed.

    In the end, it’s no use trying to blame mods for just doing their jobs. In fact, I would commend xXK1NGR3APERXx and the rest of the staff team for actually noticing and saying “hey something’s a little off here”. Next time, instead of calling the mod team inexperienced and abusive, you could help support your argument that your spawner was actually there.

    You will be refunded for 3 spawners, 2 of which you have already received, and 1 skeleton spawner you have yet to receive. You have been refunded of everything that you are supposed to have (according to evidence). If you thought that any part of this investigation is questionable or lacking, then you may contact me in-game or on skype (live:altoraries).

    in reply to: EC revival? #136789 Score: 0

    16 pts

    This is under investigation. We have new evidence that could prove that your spawners weren’t world editted and could restore your town.

    Also tavon, this is called EC beta (or in-dev) for a reason. We will be releasing a website + donor ranks on Sunday or Monday PST. Also, our original plan was that borncorp was going to give us the website. His lack of communication with us didn’t clarify that and now we are having to make our website past beta release.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by  Rogue_Art.
    in reply to: Progress? #136737 Score: 0

    16 pts

    “But what do we do now?
    we need to add/improve the server and have it attract attention/players for us to keep this thing alive cause it might just end up like the other server running out of ideas therefore no more donators.”

    We’re going to release it in a burst rather than gradually

    “A website will lead to Donors…”

    We’re in the process of making one right now

    “Get the Lag or ECO worked out”

    It’s not server lag, it’s FPS lag. We can’t fix FPS lag if your computer is bad, but what we can do is release guidelines on how big farms can be. We will start enforcing on them on the official release.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by  Rogue_Art.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by  Rogue_Art.
    in reply to: Why so laggy lmao #136707 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Are you talking about ping or FPS? Yesterday we had a glitch where our server would literally run out of memory (due to a memory dump) and we would just freeze. If it’s FPS lag, then it’s cactus farms causing lots of entities to drop.

    in reply to: Why so laggy lmao #136695 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Should be fixed. Tell me if it still happens.

    in reply to: Ban app #136672 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Ban appeal denied. You may post against in 1 week.

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