Glg nyonel tpd ME and I inspected I realised I could unclaim your hole base your power is like beyond-20 so I’d suggest disbanding your current base and make a knew one
Well the only reason I would donate is to keep the server up but I’d really like that head hunting thing suggested by another player also can we sell sugar? And damn those blaze rod prices are high
Beast I think it was for kill aura and tracers she posted a video which showed her usig tracers but overall I do think she deserves one FINAL chance….but that’s not for me to decide so good luck
Ehm. Igra your not still mad at me right … Bruhhhh. Tavon you don’t even know what friends are. I teamed with you and you start killing me for NO reason and I gave you more than one chance to say sorry but you didn’t and so you kept trying to kill me I don’t know why but in this case YOU BEFREINDED ME I was probably the only guy who was your actual friend but gg at least I can raid you know