Forum Replies Created
Aleh tienes que seguir la siguiente plantilla (Llenarla):
IGN (In-Game-Name / Nombre en el juego):
Why have you been banned? (Porqué te banearon):
Where are you banned? (Dónde te banearon):
Who banned you? (Quién te baneó):
Why should you be unbanned? (Porqué deberías ser unbeaneado):
Responde en inglés para que los demás entiendan, gracias.
You should add a Video showing the gameplay..
Dealt with it. 2 people banned, the other 2 plots has helpers. Thanks for reporting! 😀
Dude Rogue, theres no way to get in roofs and in the second one he is flying
Spanish Comment:
Para estar en el concurso:
Lo que tienen que poner es simple:
In-Game Name: *Tu nombre* En mi caso Skylder
Plot World: *Mundo, Builder 32×32 o Architect 100×100*
Plot ID: *El ID de tu plot*
Plot Image: *Imagen, preferiblemente con imgur*Por favor, comenten en inglés ya que el forum es inglés. Gracias.
This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by
“BornCrop” Really? ._.
May 26, 2014 at 7:46 am in reply to: Rogue_Art isSoFunnyIUsesKillAura HAHA! but not LOLOLOL!! #67043 Score: 0How can you have so many diamonds? ._.
Vote up.
I seen you being active, helping people and respectful. Telling people to stop spamming or to watch their language such like a Trial Mod warn.
Approved, but you will be tempbanned 5 days and jailed 1 day
This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by
Wither, think about this, when you go to 16×16 world you klag a lot, but in 100×100 world theres no lag, because not everybody owns a 100×100 plot, and if is there a 200×200 or 150×150 or whateva, fewer people would buy it, so, fewer plots and fewer lag :3 Skylder’s Logic
Firah! D’: I Cant believe this
This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by