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I would say, even if it has been monthes since my last activity : Mods aren’t superheroes, they have a life, and moderating isn’t a piece of cake . But yeah ec got more boring last time i came. Who remembers the old Arenas server with the lame parkour? Who remembers /transfer? Even if it doesn’t sound cool, HG used to be always 12/12 in each arena, and all your SV work used to be able to help you in CR…
Now we have so much minigames that people only go to 2 or 3, and SV is being filled with towns of 1 or 2 people, CR is always filled with turkish, spanish and other-ish people as well as MG. EC changed from an awesome server in all points to a server filled with great things that aren’t appreciated, from a great english community to a community where nobody chats because of the lack of english people. Guys, EC is awesome, it’s just the multiple languages issue thats tearing EC apart.Today, people always play pokemon supersmash, and everything else is left behind, today ec isn’t as cool as the day when i first joined. Guys, SV is an easily fixable thing, CR fell into a hole and from there it can’t get out, and for MG, just invite friends each time you want to play. Prison and Factions are still great shaped servers. I wish ec would go back to its first shapeLooks nice, BUT dat ain’t my kind of games…
You can stop reading if you want to.
Naw, got 4 LOZ games to beat, so if you’ll excuse me i am leaving.
Bender ur pic looks like Navi…-
This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by
Eid Adha Mubarak muslims
( Happy ‘Adha’) And thanks for vacation monday
. I’veFoubbedEnough
September 9, 2014 at 4:43 am in reply to: Helpful tip for all of you prison players! #78395 Score: 0Like i didn’t foub that …. Everyfoub knows that Tom is FP (FouberPowered) so i would go to D foub if i were you (Like SquirtlefoubsMC said) . And Tom, is that a cat drinking a smoothie riding a red-eyed fire breating unicorn farting explosions in front of a rainbow??
July 7, 2014 at 4:41 pm in reply to: Mob Arena Battles, Competitive version of mob arena. Created by JiaZheng2707 #70781 Score: 0Nice, laggy, but foub
Ye , great idea!! I would say that, on price, i think this loved communit y donated enough money to the server for the app ( Again, i THINK). If not, we could start an indiegogo campaign to raise the money!
Foubless Topic (Foubably not)Man, page auto-refreshed so ….
EDIT: Not good*
Sorry for the foubamFOUB UP TO AGENTFOUB
Foub is NOT because i Foub him ifl (In Foub Life)
Foubeason : Look up in the foub app the fouber votes foubed it
3ayb Richard 3ayb xD
English Fobuction : Not godd Richard, Not foub xD
Foub Luck from Mr. Foub 😀1.
2. Killing a slime and eating oreos
IGN: SlimeHunterzWut?! Foub see , fon iFoub foo, a wolf face in chat and your foub’s face in foub reply :0 .
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I am Fouby
much much foub
Foubedy foubedy foub
Big bad foub
Fouby ending
Wut ?-
This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by
Hey, i noticed that in pic 2 , shaheen2003 disrespected twice So…… Fouble report!! (Yes i know it should be double but double the double and get double fouble fouble double fouble) ( Didn’t understand either yea….) foubulous report (Again, double the fab foub fab and get a foub fab foub fab foub fab ye….) (fouby smart( you know what i mean))
~Fouby fourson SlimeFouberzNice idea Meowcha 😉 ! But this idea might exhaust the admins by daily 10 minutes videos (U know, always recording). Other than that i have to say Great Idea Meowcha! (A bit Off Topic) Wow you got Dr. Trayaurus’ Lab(From TheDiamondMinecart) XD.
This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by
SlimeFouberz. Reason: Did Not know Auto- Correct would fix Trayaurus and XD XD
June 17, 2014 at 6:06 pm in reply to: EVERYONE CHECK THIS OUT :D [CONTEST: RIGHT NOW!!!] #69001 Score: 0SlimeHunterz ……. Well my IGN was just written so why am i still writing -_-
^^^ Great ideas Heyman but i think escape should be like a maze with lava holes in it, a really really really hard parkour ( jumps 4blocks long and one block higher and fence / ladder parkour), make it that guards will be between each challenge and that it has also a tripwire at the end that runs the clear inventory command so people can’t have diamonds as soon as they’re out.If an escaper is caught he will be reported because he’s for example [D]Stuff. A reported escaper would be brought back to jail at rank E (since you forgot it) wich has the worst mines and needs 40k to rankup . He will also have o$/€/£/¥/L.L ( L.L is lebanese balance ‘Lira lebnanyeh’. Remember, it’s just suggestions but i think it’ll be cool.~SlimeHunterz~MULTICOLORS
This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by