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What’s crazy is that I really come back around to check up on this website still after 3 long years, just to see what’s everyone still talking about inside this small community. I personally don’t play Minecraft anymore due to me growing up and out of it, never thought I’d say that when I was 11 Years old, but here Am I almost 18 years old and playing other games…. I will admit I do log onto my Minecraft Account every once and a while to see the bigger servers, heck maybe I’ll play a few game modes for a good 20 mins or so, but I’ll never have that feeling that EC always gave me.
Also, I’m happy for your friend for getting a job from Minecraft, that’s pretty badass.
Tito be like zzzzzzz
After the server went down I still was playing MC a ton, but these last 3months or so I’ve stopped playing a ton less more and have moved on other games like 2k, rainbow six siege, fortnite, pubg and etc. Never got around finding a great community/family such as EC once it went down, but I came very close… Since than I’ve played a few big servers and got back around into HPS Bedwars, but that came old and boring over time.
Crazy how all this time I’m still around checking up on this website and seeing how everyone is doing and also seeing the ogs who played here still check around and see whats cooking.
Yes, all these school shootings do need to stop ASAP…. The last one I heard about was about an week or two and it was sad and also scary to hear the bad news, teens were also getting ready to leave school for the Summer and I never do understand these kind of events. People can blame Video Games all they want, but a fucking carton shouldn’t even be close to the reason in taking many many lives.
Bully could be the reason, but I couldn’t understand being bully to point where you have to bring a Gun to school and start killing teens. If anything I “Roast People” but some may see that as the same thing as being a Bully, but with “Roasting” it’s always jokes n games.
I somewhat blame the parents for such events due to the fact that a simple teen shouldn’t be walking around with a Gun or anything to harm other teens, I’m even watching parts of the News where some dumbo has a huge gun on his hip walking down street and I’m very sure he has kids as well, and that may go to show you that the parents might be the reasons on why these teens are getting guns from.
I can understand parents having guns too be safe, but make it safe from your kid as well if that’s the case. People will also start being Home-schooled if this keeps up because I have been thinking of this for a while myself, but hopefully these events can turn around and be stop so kids can go to school safe.
send them bad boys to my Snapchat!
I remember when we were like 11-13yr old playing on your free hosting server and just playing around plugins every other day, even started to a build a little prison map I think lol.
Now a lot of us are like 15-18 ( I’m 16 now lol ) Great times.
A few of my friends told me about Osu and went ahead and downloaded it… The game is okay, but didn’t find it fun anymore so I left it along; same way I did LoL ( May go back playing that after a while )
Glad to see these old faces on the website still. What I find funny is that I still have a good hand full of these people on my skype lmao…
I couldn’t really see ZeeKingEpic as the new Owner same goes with Rogue. Imo Gra would’ve been the best pick out of everyone.
Alex was cool I guess but he was doing a lot of stuff too soon and a bit faster than other people would, such as giving almost all the Moderators of Prison ( or whatever ) Moderator on other servers like MG, Faction, etc… Turned out that 80%% of those people were inactive on none of those servers so it was kindof pointless at the time.
I feel like EC could’ve still been around and a whole lot bigger like 200-500+ players at this point if we kept doing the right plays for the servers. Hell, even at the time we were getting like 20-100+ on great days of the week.
But all great things die faster I guess. With all the people making Off-brand EC servers and sadly failed I can’t really blame em for even trying since EC was one of those great servers.
This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by
Once EC went down I was still playing Minecraft and still do now. I did fall out for a while for like 2w-1m but came back and found a decent prison server that I am SrModerator on.
If your “girl” is calling other guys hot you should leave from that point on lmao.
The server I’m Moderator on is https://arkanite.net/
IP: Arkanite.net
It’s a prison server that just got it’s reset as well.
“I will explain what the problem is with the server. On May 1st, our server ran out of the host, and Salty, who was going to pay for it, wasn’t able to get the money in time. That isn’t much of a problem, so I went to the store and got two gift cards, a $10 and $5 gift card. Apparently, Spain (where our host’s hq is) has a 20% tax so $15 wasn’t enough. I then went and bought another $5 one, but you can only load $10 at a time, so by now, I’ve wasted 4 days on something that didn’t even work. I can’t refund $5 gift cards so I have essentially $10. I’m not going to be able to get 10 more dollars because I literally don’t have any more money, and if I put the $10 for the host, I won’t be able to get it back.EC will be closed until we can resolve this issue. Of course it’s not closed permanently, and we’ll be trying to get it back on as soon as possible. It is possible that it may be even up to weeks before this is resolved due to the nature of this problem. But do not worry, the server is fine, and once the server is up, you’ll be right back to where you left off.” -Rogue
In other words, Rouge fucked up.
For me, the server wasn’t fun anymore… The old prison map was cool looking at again doe, but that’s about it for me. Staff management wasn’t the bestI will say and that’s kind of why I resigned so fast and a long of other things.
Lmao rip the server
Wonder why he resigned (:
Whatever fucking host you guys use is trash, but I’m sure it isn’t the host, to be honest, lol.
I think it was a bad idea adding like 2-3 servers because I’m sure nobody will play shit like GunPvP, CR Mode, or MG. But I do like the Prison server and it’s map.
This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by