Forum Replies Created
Vote Down.
I’ve been in game with you everyday or so.. And I been keeping an eye on you to see the way you would act.
So.. Far you haven’t been doing so good. I asked you if you knew English and you said no, ” You said that you don’t know how to say it, it’s hard for you, yet if you want to be a Staff Mod you need to know your English, this is a English server never forget that, When I say 95% of the time I see you, I mean 95% of the time you don’t time in English, yet Mods / Players keep saying this to you and your friends ” English in main chat ” I even told you before to tell your friends that, but you seemed to ignore me. Even as I’m posting this right this in you’re not talking in English.
You’ve also Ignore me and others players in that Matter, if someone said something to you you’ll just ignore me or them, but you don’t ignore your friends. This is how I see things in EternalCraft. Not only one person is your best friend or friend, everyone in the Server is your friend, not just a few people. If you ignore people then how can you even be helpful to the Mod Team or to anyone in that matter? Doesn’t add up.You need to be more helpful as well, I:ve already stated that above so.. Theres no use in saying it again.
Reason of my Vote:
-Ignores Players & Staff.
-Barely talks in English.
-Didn’t even add your skype, if you even have one.
-Inactive on the forums. ” -I have problems with my PC, I cant record
-I’m not very active on the forums, why? I cant report now, I cant record my screen ” If you can’t record anything then thats just fine tbh, if someone is spamming or using caps, lang etc then you can Report that.
-Never reports anything.
-Lied, ” +I Speak English and Spanish ” I’ve stated that as well above.Hope you’ve a very nice day!
You’ve missed nothing really Zero.
Crates are in all Servers but not Cr, so..
And yes Dragon The crates will auto come in your Inv, but if your Inv is full you won’t be able to get the Crate!
Why is the spawn so small?
Anyway nice build.
Thank you all for your votes, I’ve looked over them many, times already and been thinking about them and what I could work on! So, you’ll mostly see me in game more now becuase I got in a fight at School, but thats another story for some other time. Anyway I don’t have school till the 19th so… YAY!
Yeah I got proof to, but it’s really useless becuase he already reported it. Anyways yeah.. This guy was spamming I mean spamming the chat so hard..
Off Topic: Dude, what T-Pack you use if so mail me in game in Prison /Mail send TavonPlaysMc
I’ve no Pics nor Videos of me ranking up to J. I do have logs and people whom even seen me in P3 J. Such as.
Jmillz, Banana ( He was in /v ), and Jjpriate seen me in P3 J.
And yeah like Wither and Trevish said. How would you know if your rank would be reseted the next day? Then like 10 people have complained about their rank reseted down one.
The only proof I’ve is my Logs. And you can even look in the Server logs if you think I’m lying.
Proof: ” [17:11:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [K] Luffy_D_Monkey [Illuminati]: Wb Tavon
[17:11:20] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [P3] [J] TavonPlaysMc [T.P.E.C.B.R.B.O]: Thank you.
[17:11:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Joined » TavonPlaysMc
[17:11:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [P3] [J] TavonPlaysMc [T.P.E.C.B.R.B.O]: Hey Jj :3
[17:11:28] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [G] Omar311 : i broke my armor l
[17:11:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [H] ikoysidarry [Illuminati]: hah
[17:11:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Admin _jjpirate_: hey
[17:11:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [H] ikoysidarry [Illuminati]: wtf using darts
[17:11:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [G] Omar311 : KingOddBall go to G
[17:12:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [P3] [J] TavonPlaysMc [T.P.E.C.B.R.B.O]: What is that Jj in your hand? A blaze rod? ”Thank you and Have a Nice day!
Dang.. I wish you could stay longer! But hey thats Life for you. :/
Hope I can see you again soon!
Last week of School for me! So I’m going to be active starting this Friday! 😀Man.. I wish it didn’t have to go this road. But hey, thats life for you. Anyway I hope we could see you again very soon. I really wish we got time to know one another and etc. :/
Just want to straighten things up here.
I’ve not advertised my Mod Apply to anyone. If anything I only told a few friends what I needed to Work on so..
I won’t say I’m inactive in game. But I will say I’m starting to get inactive on the forums but not fully thats only becuase I’ve been having PC probs.
I’m not even using Leoandr901’s Forums account, heck I don’t even know his Password.. and he doesn’t know mines.
Leonard901, You don’t have to Stand up for me at all becuase I can handle myself just fine. But thank you for trying ofc.
Thank you all for your Votes! & Thank you for the up coming Votes later on. Also.. I didn’t add my skype name becuase like almost all the staff team has my skype but i will add it here anyways
Skype is: tavon.davis6
Have a Good day!-
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by
2Federal. Reason: [Has Added Skype Name]
Username: TavonPlaysMc
Experience: I’am a Builder in one of my Friends server, and I been on others friends servers like AnderZENZ, but his server was for fun, and testing out stuff. I been playing Minecraft for 2Years now & EC for 1year.
Reason: I want to help test becuase I would like to see how things are going, and if they need my help then I could help if they wish to. And I really like helping people when needed like.. All the time.Have a Nice day!
For Lower rankers it’s not so easy. I’m in H again and getting even a H crate is to much. But thats just me over reacting.
Higher rankers got it easy. In L they can mine till they get old of it.
Anyways I’m sorry for spamming this Topic. Edit thingy was gone lol.
Zero, That is good that he knows both English and Spanish. Becuase if a Player knows nothing about English then 9 times out of 10 he / she will talk in Spanish. DuhmaJestIcmist even has the samething, but he knows English much better. Anyway.
Vote Middle.
-New to the Forums
-Most of the time I see you talk in Spanish.
-Rude to others sometimes.
-Likes to brag about your Loot and how good you’re.Good Luck! And have a good day!
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by