Forum Replies Created
I think there is still this thing called Prison Reset Cupon. It cost like 500k to do. I think a admin has to redeem it as well. But not sure. If its sure in Prison.
If you was going to joke about something. Then post it in a Off topic. :-:
Ingame name: TavonPlaysMc
Experience[IF ANY]: I have some Experience with servers, I’ve helped AnderZENZ on his server many, many of times before, We just test out Plugins, build some stuff. Test out new commands etc, etc.
How can you help: I can somewhat help by suggestions. Becuase I’m kinda of good at it, but sometimes I’m not.Suggestions[IF ANY]: No sorry. I will come back if I do!
Skype: tavon.davis6
Have a good day!-
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by
I think its Right.
And about the Npcs. ClockSpeed said he is letting us test Quest out. So they will have more of them there soon. But as of now just do the ones that able to be done.
I already sended the link to ClockSpeed. And you guys are welcome glad i can help.
You can’t vote for Ban appeals.
Ingame Name: TavonPlaysMc
Previous Faction: ThePlayers
Experience with Faction: I been playing Faction since last year. I had my Raging at times, but we all rage ofc nothing new about that. I been in tons of Fac’s in Faction, I know how to raid others and etc.
Reason to join: Well I don’t very much to do on Faction, so why not join a nice and friendly Faction such as this one. Have a good day. 😀” – Please bring back OMEGA. He understands everything and can balance out kits. Hence, Kit Pvp was something I enjoyed until now…. ” The heck did he go off to?
Like a runing dog or something Xd….Time passs by.
Vote up.
+Active in game.
+Sometimes Reports.
+Somewhat friendly to players.-Not active on the forums.
-May get mad time to time.Have a very nice day and good luck on your mod apply. 😀
Tell me something real fast…
Why is your FPS at the Top of your Minecraft..?
It should be at F3.Unless you’ve a Mod that allows your FPS and stuff to show their.
Sorry. But this idea is use less. To the forums. A lot of people don’t do their Bio’s.
Lets Bump this! 😀
Use Imgur.com
if you want to upload a Pic.Bump.
More Reports of Spam / Lang. Names are in the Proof. Thank you and have a nice day.
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by