Forum Replies Created
” ” And Tavon, if you don’t know what’s going on, please don’t make assumptions. ” I’m very sorry for making an assumption”s” ” By AnderZENZ.
” Lol, @nate667llooll and @AnderZENZ , you don’t say anything when it’s melee, siver, tavon, or just about anyone else who helps in the forums… So what happened here? 😛 ”
If a Player wants to help another Player then thats good. It just shows you Staff Mods we’re able to help others. And thats good for EternalCraft itself.
I’m not saying that you’re not right. But see things on the back wall.
I trust you about you being ” Sleepy ” But why still play if you know it’s time for bed? You could’ve went to sleep and woke but up 8-12hours later and talked to your Friends. Me? I can stay up all night, don’t care it’s a School night. Anyways back to the main Topic.
Murilo, had Cv / Op for 2 Months, but didn’t say a word about it. To me it’s dumb.. Like really.
But now steps up to the next lvl and say he did have it.You Einow, took the items without thinking for 30secs. What would happend to you. I would’ve told like.. ” Hey, bruh.. Where in the heck you get this loot O_O? ” Then if he didn’t told me then I would’ve left and told an higher rank Mod about it.
” And Ander i already said the items gave me Murilo, epic confirm he had creative and he also admit he had creative ” But you took it.
” Easy Ander, some ppl get high when sleepy, including me. I’m not joking or making this up. Its 100% true. ”
Do you smoke or something…? Who gets ” High ” When being sleepy?
So.. In one roll of pee nuts we’ve Two Abusers here? Such wow.
Then I would like to get a Refund. If we can’t use them anyone.
I love how Wither does how work. Makes me feel happy.
It was the samething Wither, said.^^
I was in the Pvp Zone. And they were out also.
A Staff Mod is maybe fixing a Bug or updatein’ the server. Don’t worry.
Oh thats very nice of you. <3
Ign: TavonPlaysMc
Vote Down, Reasons has been said by AnderZENZ.
“-From what I’ve seen all you do is PvP, and nothing else. ”
Ehh.. I’m at a 50,50 on this one becuase. You can just Pvp all day if you wish so.. But if thats all you do and not being helpful or willing to help then I agree with Ander.
That is just… A shame tbh… You’r going to report someone, yet you Report yourself.
I’m thanklful for what I can get so.
If your willing to sell a Tag / Donor then mail me in game
/Mail send TavonPlaysMc-
This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by
Le Bump.
Hey dude been long hows things going for you? Things are going well as of right now. But it won’t stay as that for ever you know 😛
Hope to see you around in EC sometime soon.
This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by