Forum Replies Created
When i made ” rate me ” and ” what you about me ” topics.
And when i reported mods.
Voting right? Okay lets go.
You said it has to be fair right?
For all ranks.Don’t forget guys this is a Daily Vote, not weekly.
Money Coupons. ClockSpeed, did it before long ago and it was sweet.
If you Vote daily you’ll get
1) 1k-1m in game cash.
2) 10-20 Diamod blocks.
3) Wood, glass, sand, dirt, leaves, etc.Thanks for reading.
Thats sucks..
This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by
2Federal. Reason: Testing
I love this Idea. This is what Sv just need to make things more funner and better.
This reply has been marked as private.Trust me, i will come back and meet all the new staff players and etc.
Not to show off or anything. In better words i just wanted to Thank Wither for putting my name in the update. I would’ve told him in game but cant atm. Forgive me.
Hope you get unbanned.
Have a nice day.
Can you just call Monjang that your account got hacked?
I hope these are Donor commands..
Hi Guayaquil I’m TavonPlaysEC.
I’m going to be honest here right now.
Lying won’t help you get unbanned.
Lying won’t help anything.If you’ve proof of you not killing Players at spawn. Then you can show it to a Staff.
Note: I’m NOT a Mod.
Have a nice day.
This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by
You keep putting out these facts at us. You made this topic for two reasons only.
To show off on how smart you’re.
To gain attention.
Also agree with WitherPlaysMc.
And if you love yourself, just know you’ll never be alone.
If it says 20 years. Then a Mod banned you for a reason.
Calling players a ” Rat ” Really doesn’t fix anything over friendship.
First what is 1.8.8?
Or did you mean 1.8You should know the reason why you were banned. Unless the Staff whom banned you forgot to add it.
Hope you get unbanned.
This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by