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Thank you for you’r time.Bump.
” Hi’s ” are not or never will be boring. Saying hi is showing that your nice and friendly to onthers. Yes, your right when you said this server is like a ” School ” You get to know new things and meet new friends and to enjoy yourself.
People can live their life as a nard or not thats their wish.
I come here almost everyday saying ” Hi guys
” nothing more, i may chat with a few friends then and now or if someone needs help with a command, Mod applys, Ban Apps, etc.
Stop trying to see youself as a better person. I’m smart guy but i dont show off on how smart i am.
You keep using words that some people dont or wont even understand.
Now we arent saying that you’ve to stop being smart, we’re just saying to stop showing off.This is a Game, not a School. This is were we take time off from onther things and just chill here.
Trust me i use to act like i knew everything in the world.. Then people start saying to stop this and stop that, months later that all stop. I agree with Still and everyone.
Knowing that 1.8 is out the Rewards should be 5% higher.
Lets just say pr and faction aint.best friends lol
If i’m right its a bug. Lets say you got any kind of donor right? Okay so, if the donor goes out of time, you may still have your commands. A high rank Mod just needs to remove it fully. 😛
Didnt even knew you guys still add people to plots lol..
Hope you come back soon.
It may not be a mod.
It maybe an old mod who still have there op commands. And just playing mind games. But hey i might be going nuts.
Like Ander said give proof so the mods can help you out by. Warnin, mutein, and banning if needed.
Pics, vidoes, of any kind could help the mods out.
P.s Tell me if i talked like a mod.Bumpppp :3
So if Rule was to be made i have to get a new in game and a new forums username as well?
The real name is fine. I mean… i use my real name.
My friend Ander, wish you get better.
Ps, whats the codes to chu base :0?