Forum Replies Created
In game name: Tavon1924
Who breaks the rule: Names are in the Proof.
Reason of reporting: Pg-18 Plot, & Advertiser
Server: Cr
Proof: http://imgur.com/ae4r9hH,qF0dvnR,KkjRe50Tavon1924
Vote Down
-Poor Mod app
-I think There is not a Rank Builder. Well there is but you can’t get it like this.
-Don’t report much.
+Active in game.I have talked to him in Cr. And he said that Beij banned him for nothing? He said that he was hitting someone with his hand and someone called him a Hacker and then bam! Banned. I was not there when this went down. So I don’t know the full story.
suggestion 4: Players should be able to go to Players Plots without tping to them. What if a Player is offline and you want to see he / she’s Plot? Would be better to have a command to let them go to the Plots.~Tavon1924
Maybe people just like Act..?
Everyone can be forgiven in life thats what it’s all about here.
Kevin why you rage doe?
If I was there he would rage on me to XDDDWoah!!! He wasn’t kidding doe!!!!!!
He got two Iron donors LOOOOOL
This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by
I don’t think there is a Money hack ever. If so people would have been got this Hack already and used it in anyway they needed to.
He might just be super rich or have a huge farm or even got money from others.
It is un-real on how many times you have hacked.
You have been trusted by us but yet you keep coming back and thinking your going to go off into the sunset.
Not so easy.
As Rogue_Art has said I seen when your Alt / Brother or whomever that is. Got banned no more then 7 Times in all server of EC.You keep saying ” Your Fellow EC Member, Mubar_ak47! ” Etc etc. Your mainly trying to be friendly with us so we can say ” Oh okay you seem to be getting much more better then last you ” No Some of us may fall for that, but not all.
Also have lied dead in the Staff’s face’s on Ban app’s. And on other Topics you have made from the pass or so.
Everything in Life is A test.
Thanks for all the love guys. 😀 <333
Vote Down
-It seems like your not even trying to make a good Mod app. You also have said that your lazy in skype? But they don’t want lazy people who can’t do there jobs.
-You said your helpful in-game. I trust you, but what we really mean by Helpful is help players with commands and showing them how the game works.
-Inactive in Game
-Inactive on the forums.Good Luck!
Vote down
-You talk about how your very Op In game
-Sometimes can be rude to others, even if they are being nice to you.
-Not so active on the forums. Maybe Timezones
-Not a lot of Experiences. Your mainly saying you have been on Faction server for Two Years.
-” Why should we pick you as mod? ” All that you said can be done by a Player.
-Somewhat Poor Mod app.Vote Up!
+Active in game
+Very, very friendly
+ Reports when needed
+ Active on the forums.
Good luck!
You should be happy for what these mods do for us.
We all have missed OrePartys so what? Not the end of the world thats for sure.We are all in a Game that we really love, no need to take this in-to real life actions.
Becuase you know.. Furious and Trollson and the others whom worked on this, didn’t have to make this for us / you. They could have went on with there lifes and kept updating the Server.
But we have Kind, very nice People who take there time and do these kind of things for us. They are not robs nor are we.Be Thankfully For What Others Give You.
It’s all about Luck.
This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by