Forum Replies Created
Like.. What is this game!?
Damm I forgot on what Time it is to Bump this >.<
Oh well yolo
Thank you for all of your Votes it means a lot to me.
Love Tavon1924 <33Saying your going to hack a Players account is not a joke here.
Also ZeeKingEpic, banned you If I’m right.Well lets get started with this topic then xD.
Just to let you know that Aimbot is something that lets you fire your Bow faster then my Bow was I full my Bow up till half way and kept firing ( A friend told me this )
So I started to use it knowing that it’ll help me pvp more better with the Bow. But tbh If you want proof I’m right here waiting for your go. I’m always on Skype feel free to skype me if you want any kind of proof what so ever.
Also If i did ” Have Aimbot ” Why didn’t I shot fast everytime? Something you may not know.Plus lots of People know me by now.. So I think they wont think i would ever use hacks for what reason? None why would I myself hate hackers.. Why I should be one of them I already got hated becuase of some dumb why restart again?
Like I said before I’m free anytime of almost any day.
People always get called to be an Hacker yet there aren’t one.
Then not to forget the video is laggy.
Good job!
I seen his hacks myself I just didn’t want to record becuase my Game was laggy.
But I found tons of spawnners, caves, and etc And I don’t wanna lose them D:
I didn’t know that we didn’t have outpost’s thats the thing.
But but.. Where I Put my L MoDs at D:
( So I can kill you >:D )Ander, don’t we Players have the right to reply to any topic as we wish too?
This is what the EC forums is all about. Replying to old or new topics for what ever reason as they want to do.If we can’t then let me know.
I get much more sleep then I use to now but just a few hours back.
I rarely stay up sometimes out of the week becuase I got others things to do as such as school.
Becuase.. You know I can just drop everything that i’m doing now and play EC for much more hours then before. But I’m not.Also I talked to Dark, Last night on skype and his words made me think more about not staying up all night. So I will take those words and use them.
No more staying up all night. Well maybe.. Sometimes on the weekends.
This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by
Ingame Name: (minecraft username)
When were you banned: (date/month/year)
Why were you banned: (reason for being banned)
Who banned you: (moderator name that banned you)
Why do you think you should be unbanned: (explain why we should unban you)Please follow the exact format above and answer all the fields
This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by
On the weekends I stay up untill 4-6 in the moring, and go to sleep and wake up in like 7 hours later or so the weekdays is a whole new story to tell.
I don’t stay up all night on the weekdays maybe till like 1 or 2 in the moring or so.I srsly don’t care about my health or any of that tbh.
Also I don’t energy stuff, mainly water.Not even.
Lalala Bump.
For me it’s Lag.
~Tav -
This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by