Forum Replies Created
Well if it’s in the rules then it’s not allowed.
e really just reported himself..Looks better then my Bm xD. 😛
This srsly works for Minecraft, like wow…
When i test it i didn’t go to 3fps per sec i stay at like 50fps. But i don’t know if it’s just me or what but it takes a long time to upload the video.Even tho you have be rude / mean to me.
I will still vote up on this
Everything has been said alryd.You should Respect those whom Respect you.
This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by
You got to show more proof then this. If you see that player again record him in pvp action. Upload the vidoe to Youtube and put it here.
Ander, plz calm down. He’s just new to this kind of stuff. I was doin the same when i was new to the forums. :/
Now if you would like stop posting topics of you wanting to be unbanned. That would be very nice.
Becuase what we see is that you ” Might ” Not get unbanned. Unless luck is on your side.
But i wish you the best of luck if you do get unbanned.I’ll love to help.
Tako, you was a very good mod, to me. But you resign in Prison, and left it. But you went and apply for Faction, and join there team and you seem to enjoy it.
But i hope you can have a good life out there and hope to see you again soon.
He has a long ways to go. 😛
But i got to say he has done a very good job with the Mg, reports lately. Myself can’t report much becuase i’ve been busy with irl stuff. 😛Well our good / my friend DarkKnightz, here has made a temp Report for reporters in all servers of EC, so it’s good to have something like this around.
http://eternalcraft.com/forums/topic/new-report-template/Congrats! To the players, who was in this month of voting.
😀He got unbanned? So what. Why should we all care like really. Just becuase he got banned in half of the EC servers, don’t mean nothing really. He is just a new ” Hacker ” Of the game play.
” those who say “hackers hackers” without proof.. They must get warned or muted instead of saying “dont spam” ”
If they keep like spamming the hell out of you with ” Hackers ” Then report. Done deal.
Now.. I’ve play with a lot of friends / players in EC, and when i started to pvp them. They damm there seems like hackers to me. But i was a nub at the time and was new to EC, but now i got much better at Pvpin and gettin’ tips etc etc.
And don’t lie to these hard workin’ mods. Becuase they can find out if your a ” Hacker ” Or not at anytime.
But if i record you it’s. Game Over.I am not the funny guy nor i am good with jokes. So this day is not for me for sure.
Oh man.. I got to start reporting just like this..
Okay so i started to really read this topic. And from what i seen from this is that you have been very rude to players, and been gettin’ mad becuase players call you this ” Hacker ” I’m not the one whom said such things. But i a sure you. That you don’t tell ppl, to stop talking at anytime of the day no matter how mad you are.
“stop talking a lot ur annoying ppl a lot and getting in there way …… Mind ur own business please “
This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by