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WE all thank you for your help dude, like really i can get up and go where you live at right now and give you a big hug
And i like all the games in MG, becuase the last MG, we had eh it was okay and all but it didn’t make players, wanna join it.
But now!!! You came back and help us out and made the Server, better then ever! So we all thank you for that.
But the one thing i think that is bad is this.
We need more mods, in the door. And i mean active mods!
Not trying to say that none of our MG, mods are inactive but there not online time to time.
But i can see this becuase they have lifes, school, tests, etc etc. And i have been working hard myself by reporting as always / needed. And i don’t try and spam the forums with topics / replys.
But if there is a way to stop all of this that’ll be cool.Trial, or not i’m still he to help in any way i can / will.
I agree.
One has been promoted to Trial, and that’s Own7ge.
And one more will come soon.
Nu i’m not a bad boy. D:
Also two more spammers!
Make that 3 spammers!
This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by
You seem like a very nice guy.
And yes you have been disrespecting the mod team, and etc. But they all can forgive players for such things as these.
It’s how life goes.
So i think you should get a shot at being unbanned, and i wish you the best! Of luck.Sorry for being ” Mod like ” Also i’m not lying @AnderZ, trust me.
And also! I was sayin in a way like ” Oh i will try and record him or see if he hacks or not ” That’s how i was trying to say it lol. π
And @AnderZ, that was rude to say that he has bad grammer, not everyone has good grammer.
I even myself have bad grammer, lol. πMarch 19, 2015 at 3:19 am in reply to: Reward for whoever can make me a new youtube banner! #99895 Score: 0Wither, can you make me one too C:?
Is yes, then can you make a Super sonic, one becuase chu know i like sonic C:
If no then it’s okay. πIf you didn’t know i’m a Mod, in MG ( Not yet doe )
But i will not say anything ” Mod like ” Till my rank, has come. πNice Report, Zero, π
And ye he may have hacks, on but to just make sure. I will keep a eye on him or a mod, will.New suggestion:
Don’t you hate how you forget to craft a item, potions and etc :D?
Well i know i do.. But! Those days can be over!
I came with a idea that we should have a new mod in EC, and the mod i was thinking of is This:http://www.skydaz.com/craftingguide-mod-installer-for-minecraft-1-2-5/It’s a crafting guide, it really helps you know all the crafts of MC and EC, and shows you how to craft all the items there is. ( I think )
No hacks
No Xray.
No nothing.
Just crafting. π
Thank you for your time and for reading this.” Agree with Xavier and Breezay..
You report every petty thing which makes players HATE YOU. ”Funny, is that i never seen a mod said this to me before. Only players
It don’t matter to me if anyone respects me or not. It’s my job as a player, to report anything & anyone if needed too. Now do i see you Report? No. I don’t.
Also i did nothing to myself. It’s the players who i’ve been reporting whom has done something to there selfs. -
This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by