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So my reports is nothing to you guys? Fine I see how it is.
You guys know dam well I report almost daily no more the 2 reports a day.
You guys ( Not zero ) Make it seem like I’m not helping Ec or something…
Skype? Can’t because my mom and Bro be on my old Pc, so.. no Skype for me now a days.I’m doing what’s right for Ec. If I didn’t care I wont even play this server.
This reply was modified 10 years ago by
I have a plan now if your no bigger then a free ranker or higher you should have your items back. Same thing for the donors they should have some of there items back if so.
Well I was doing wut was right. 1:make hell of post’s 2: reply everytime I need to report. If I did one of them I’ll still be spamming the forums. What I’m not doing the right thing for ec? Or should I stop helping out ec and le those layers go? No. I’m sure we players have a role to play and that role is by helping ec and reporting and that’s showing you that you care for the server.
Sorry I didn’t know I had that many reports. Also I had to go and eat and I was not able too get back online. Once again I’m sorry for the forums spam. Just trying to help you mods out in these hard times. :/
Opss this is from 2013 I didn’t look at the full date XDDDDD
” You can even add a Super Rank! It cost like $75-100 But gives you near OP Permissions! ”
This will be way! Too Op for players it will almost feel like your a mod.
But everything else sure.” However you could build stuff for it. ”
I was going to say the same thing.
I’m build a few things for the mod team hopefully it will get accepted if not then i try my best.No prob guys i’m happy to help. 😀
Don’t rush the mod team, they are trying there best to fix all servers. So just wait when Prison, is done they may move to Mg, becuase Mg, got removed so they have to start again on that as well.
But what’s funny i told Breezayy, 4 times to look at my reports and what she did? Just ignored me.
Can you take more pics becuase i can only see the top of the map.
Too me it was rude. censored or not it’s still rude to him.
I made a topic, saying that i wanted more ranks and that some wut came true. But then again if they do add more ranks it will take even more time for prison, to come back up.
I don’t know.. To me it sucks to have prison, restarted.. Becuase i came here about 10months ago playing Sv and Prison, then i got banned in Sv, and went on to Prison. And now all the work and ppl did was just took away from them. Then you said a ” event “? Hopefully it don’t suck like the last NPC event we had…
This will also make MANY ppl stop playing Prison, just becuase of something like this. Too i don’t care if Prison, is restarting . I’m active always so i do’t care very much. And you say more ranks as well? Pftt it took you guys months to add more ranks 😛 Now add even more ? Kden.
Anyways Banan, i’m okay with it thb i’m not even mad about. It’s just are they okay with it?
Well.. Time to find my proof…
This reply was modified 10 years ago by