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I’ll vote up on this one 😉
Like 15spike@ said, I like that one. And I have told the mods this befor but I think they didn’t hear me well ^_^
in game name: tavon/tavon1924
Wish you all good luckEhh I’m not really trying to make a fight, I’m just saying that it seems kinda of unfair in my eyes, but no matter I wont be joining the event anyways because I see two events going up in a week or two 😉
Ehhhh ” annoying ” maybe sometimes but not all the time
” You don’t even know when to stop an argument ” yeah….. I do have a prob with that one indeedly….
But to be honest I got way better then I use…. just even thinking about my old self get me that feeling how I was back then…..
But i’ll try and change.That’s good that your reporting! all hacks and helping the mods out very good
And btw what do you record with I like it ? 😮Well good thing that I’m not the one who is builling them.
DarkKnightz17@ not to be rude to one of my best friends in EC but, I highly think that this is not well fair for most players of EC warp quest just came out like a few days ago and now we are having a event? don’t seem fair to me. And you want to know why I see this unfair you know ZeeKingEpic right? ( Ofc you do) but if you do /qtop in the quest world this guy got like 100qps…. how in the world will this work but this guy has that. And I highly think I know who is going to win this anyways it’s ZeeKingEpic , Own7ge , Takobellbell so why join this ” quest event ” but they have a head start? + I don’t know if you know but do you know that it’s school time still? we got homework , go to sleep . take a shower , go to school and etc maybe even have some time to play MC/EC.
But really DarkKnightz17@ why didn’t you just do this when the event open? that could have been much better then this.
One more thing I got to talk to you about something darkKnightz17@
1: Can you make the nether world biger then it is?
2: Can you make the quest world biger then it is?
3: Can we 1: be able to make our cells biger or 2: can we do this like faction almost were you claim a base if it gets raided and etc? or :3 Can you just redo them cells and make them much biger? or 4: can you make it were like you know how the real prison cells get biger when you rank up right? yeah can we do it like that or something because I only been playing for almost a week now and I’m loseing room for my loot to go in.
But, I hope one of these get added soon or sooner
~tavon1924, Cya!Nice report, I think DarkKnightz17 should be still up I don’t know .
Ummm kidding me?
I don’t fight with ppl/players/mods on the forums nor ingame
Now tell me syth22@ when was the last time I ” disrespecting ” someone on the forums hm?I never said ” Oh well it was your fault ” nor I said this ” Get over it, its not the mods fault ”
Show me! that I said any of that.
One more thing do you know that where on a ban app right?” and quiet frankly every one on EC is tired of it ” I don’t really see a prob with tat if someone did had one, well they know where to find me.
Pftt I don’t think so king >:D
He left a long time ago >:D
Ok I feel bad now .__. rerate ^_^7.2/10 why?
Nice guy , but can be very rude at times
Makes cool jokes, but some of them jokes go in to feelings and etc.
Sometimes likes to get into fights with players/mods ( sometimes!)
Ehh that’s all I got sorry, I don’t really know you all much 😉-
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by
I never have a prob with anyone, I’m not that kinda of guy
But that old tavon nub always had a prob with someone, but that nub is gone.P.s Ender I really think you don’t want me to start over, now do you?
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by
Btw the faction mods there can you look at or record Mubar because it looks likes hes hacking ._.
Or shesyth22@ I don’t really care I kinda of lost my fun out of faction now and days. I just went to prison,Sv and Mg and to help there, I’m not saying I’m done with faction im just saying that im takeing some time off because events in prison are coming in a few weeks and I need to work on ranking up anyways
~ tavon, Cya!
Btw can someone tell takoballball, to stop coming to prison and saying I quit because he so call say ” I got rekt ” ._.
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by