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  • in reply to: Pvp arena / pa #10371 Score: 0


    I’ve heard about this plugin too!It sounds cool and all but PVP is PVP as it is. It would be cool to put this plugin on EC but EC is good as it is. It would be cool if born added this plugin. Well nice plugin request!


    in reply to: situation with ec crash help! #10311 Score: 0


    ferbbat1 I cant do anything about it because I am not mod. I think its a bug for right now. I think the Mods are trying to figure out what went wrong. Thanks


    in reply to: Reporting Hacks on EC #10303 Score: 0


    Ok thanks Chibi. I just wanted to keep the server safe from hacks. Thanks for the info and I wont make the mistake again.


    in reply to: Reporting Hacks on EC #10297 Score: 0

    in reply to: Reporting Hacks on EC #10293 Score: 0


    Sorry about that Ill make them work.





    in reply to: Ban Starxminer: Tekkit #10113 Score: 0


    Hey take it easy. If he is “bullying” you just let us know and we would deal with him and tell him that “bullying” is illegal (for some states) and its disrespectful! Provide evidence of him picking on you or what because I know what “bullying” feels like because I’ve been through there in life.


    in reply to: Too many Mod app. #10110 Score: 0


    Chibi and Born this actually sounds unfair because of the different time or continents they live in. For example it is night in the U.S and in British its daytime. They can write the post before all of us because of the time. Well I dont know if I explained this right. I hope you guys will understand about this suitation.


    in reply to: IP Banned #10069 Score: 0


    Alright thanks. I go on later. Thanks mods for understanding my suitation.-Hockey3737


    in reply to: IP Banned #10051 Score: 0


    Hi its me Hockey and I dont know how to make a forum .-.! I am banned for some reason and I dont know why?!?! Can you please respond ASAP! I want to get on and play. Thanks for your support if you can get me unbanned.-Hockey3737

    in reply to: i was scammed #9998 Score: 0


    XSilence why do you xray. Those cordinnats show you xray!

    in reply to: Mike1298's ban appeal #9657 Score: 0


    Unban Mike. Hes innocent of what he’s done. I know he did something wrong and got demoted but he never duped. First of all the pistons were from the fallen town “PyroCity” and Christ bought alot of armor from Mike and he used to buy diamonds! So technically the mods who banned him have no evidence of “dupe” plus the plugin was removed. So please unban him.

    -Team YOLO A.K.A Hockey3737


    in reply to: McMMO plugin request #7371 Score: 0


    I wouldn’t prefer this plugin because it has so many glitches that it can give you infinite diamonds. I was once on  a server with McMMO and I saw people duplicating diamonds so that can hurt our economoy on EC.

    -Team YOLO

    in reply to: Contest for mob arena #6862 Score: 0


    I actually kind of agree about this because the Mob Arena is like 5 years old and its kind of getting old. There should be a new Mob Arena because it will be fun and cool.-Team YOLO

    in reply to: A bad player #6860 Score: 0


    Creeper is a REALLY ANNOYING PLAYER on EC. HE spams,lures,and scams people. We Team YOLO want to kill this noob.-Team YOLO

    in reply to: Tekkit Server, Lag, and Bugs #6859 Score: 0


    I’ve been experiencing these problems too. The chunk load is really crazy! I know what the problem is actually. Its a Chunk Error Bug that’s forming. It was happening on [ORIGINAL] EC when I started experiencing these errors. About a few weeks it started deleting chunks on the world. It will become a big problem later. I hope it gets fixed as soon as possible.-Team YOLO

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