Forum Replies Created
yes but I’ve had complaints about u from residents that u abused powers. I’m not trying to fraud u I’m serious!
Now nhu or some mod plz go to the farm area and check for blocks.
And it bugs me when I get complaints that u toggle pvp and kill innocent residents for they’re loot or for the fun what ever!! I’m tired of u SCUMBAG!
and you broke insides of houses. ……
u just get carried away and just not responsible. You had 3 warnings and can’t believe dumb enough to let u assistant again!
Dude it’s leather armor and it already has pro 99
You act tough and cool about because you think you can get by it. And you’ve done this multiple times. You’ve just plain old abused your powers how does it feel to be greifed or just joking about it when towns are safe from greif.
U1t1MATE has been mad at you for removing him from town and when I can wooden pic the wants housE. And u say they on ur side just to sound intimedting when you did break his stonebrick house. With 10sal my brother on I saw it and bear was there to and u tp icy to u and killed him and say my mistake pvp was on. Who falls for that? U do!!! Now think about ur lying life…….
And this has been an a Time of like 2 months
Good but should be like A rare class for donors or something. Or if you do good you get it randomly. ADD IT PLEASE!
Nether would be harder because if they do let Ghast spawan or zombie pigs and especailly wither/blazes then it would be super hard and fun. add Nether i think
Or a Medieval castle they’re two of them and like you go and loot chest while raiding both casltles. While getiing loot and ambush i would like that plz add it.!! π pi sign LOL π
LOL and also what shop has cheaper diamonds after shtuffs and U1T1MATE’S shop me!!!!!
and they’re out of stock quite a bit so they come to me ………
And how much would u sell diamonds if u had a warp? and what is the price of shroom shops pro4? mine is 10,400 per piece
Nice Gh0st8 but you can use the Feather and fly a little bit but not that high and that long but i belive you do get knockback when using the feather to fly in SuperSmashBroBrawl
Yes ikr add them. But it takes time
China is 700 and yet the wrayth has most money on server 54 mil.
Lol vshop has diamonds quite a bit and other cheap stuff come on!
unban him like now!!!! you unbanned olvnique now unban shiv! Remember meh shiv? And olv was banned for a shorter time to come on!!!
Lol born good one xD