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Ok fine. But in the web chat it seems 10sal my brother seems to be banned some how ip? Unbann the ip so he can get on if u havnt fixed it plz.
you guys aren’t treating me fair. just for something that isn’t a lure. I might quit donating if dumb stuff like this keeps happening and possibly leave EC. i’d rather have lurer rank for 1week thank 24hr ban. and why are you treating me like this? i donated so some respect please. It’s kinda a lie on what Garn is saying……
garn isn’t bein fair first of NO WARING and second i didn’t get a rank or anything and i didn’t lure just said my opinon and if it was and which it wasn’t y didn’t get lure tag then? garn don’t deserve to be a mod.
THAT isn’t lurin garn what did i fking offer him??? and i dug a hole for fun! i got bored
i can’t do that well of pixel arts D:
add poke balls they are spawner eggs that randomly drop and u throw then like a snowball and it spawns them!!!! and add the Hammer which is a diamond knockback 11 rarely drops and has 2 uses on it!
Lol!! What school do u go to? I go to MJHS=mapleton jr high school
well all know XD
cracked users can see preumim skins premum can’t see cracked skins so i premem can’t see most skins D:
LFMAO lol ADCKnight
you little cheater XD jk
I think garn should have some sort of warning i mean just because he is sayin his oipion doesn’t mean he has to be kicked/muted! and icyvoid said that garn said that born muted/kicked him cause he called me up and told me what happened. and he said garn said excatly. after icy said sure born kicked u so Bad Garn. I tease nhu and she dont do that stuff so Garn possbly has anger issues. No offence Garn
i don’t see how he’s hackin
me? seprate by warp fac or warp towny
no Xav i’m not. but born what am saying is that when you chose what warp you want to go to. but there is a town warp and a faction warp. just the faction warp has no lock protection on the chest and the Towny does. I like town and factions just i play fac sometimes. and videogameclick most fac servers suck and i have priemum MC not cracked D: