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kevin im kinda like in the same problem you are sister had a boyfriend a fue years ago(there still together now)they loved each other soo much but my mom,dad and stepdad did not like his history.before they whent together he was a gangster he wud allways have a gun with him,did and selled drugs ect. but since he found my sister hes changing to be a better man,so through all the years my family slowly fell sis and mom wud fight almost everynight they never talked to each other it was just war and i was in the middle of a year ago my sis whent to his house to visit him and he dropped her off at my house before my mom came but she came the time i was on my computer just playing minecraft untill i seen my mom going into my sis room takeing all her clothes and throwing it out side in the weat muddy grass.i tryed to stop her because i knew she wud regret it but she smacked me and told me thta i knew all of this and i did not tell her,so she whent on throwing the stuff outside and at the same time she wud scream at my her boyfriend(lets call him bob)took her stuff oput of the grass and started to put it in the trunk.everything when to fast and hard so after she was done my sis(lest call her kat)whent inside bob’s car and try to drive away but my mom got in the way almost hitting her but i came and pushed her out of the now kat is all by herself and like i said bob’s trying to be a better person and by finishing that hes takeing time in prison finishing all the gang stuff,before kat did nothave no money,house,car no where to go but since bob’s family helped she has a desent job,saveing money to buy a car,liveing in bob’s sister house!but she still felt deprest because we was a very close family and now im allways in my room playing MC and my mom dont even care what happend to her he be getting out of her job at 4 AM and she has to walk home and bob’s sis house is very far away and my mom dont care even till this kevin your gana survive trust me
i know your gana get on your feet in no time i trully wish you the best of luck and may god allways be by your side ^_^ and sorry for it to be kinda long xD
Kevin bro this is not the end,this is not even the begining of the end,but maby its the end to the begining ill see you soon
lol why cant you just wait untill the links are fixed -3-
bongo i love you -3-
omg why did you dup so much if you know youll get ban from it why id you make so much and think you whont get cought :I woow i lol at your fail bro oh and after you dup way too much you sell them bery cheapcheap xD loool
randomguy020,BlonFTW,DarkDelta you guys are not understanding what im trying to say,if i had millions of dollars i whont give it all away ofcourse all give some away to diferent people and save some for my personal needs.and im not complaining about how i never win or how poor i am or enything like that.what im trying to say is if you have million+ and there doing a event that gives away lets say 5k to otheres thats alot now im not saying you shud not play but if you win split the prize money because i guesse you guys never felt the defete before over and over it sucks felling that and if the winner split the prize money to the rest there gana fell even better i dont care about the money i know its supost to be fun but some people take it too seriouse and it gets too bad to even enjoy it.also when i say i have a slow computer its not ‘bricked’ it has only 1 gb ram and thats not even the point and yet you guys keep bringing it up and you just find a way to side with the rich people i understand money is nice I LOVE MONEY but its a game money and people just keep being greedy my higheest amout of $ i ever had was 50k and i gave away about 20k to people that really need it of course i keep the 30k for myself that what im trying to say thats the hole point of all of this mess if your rich as hell and you win a pointless money you dont even need give away atleast 25% of it to the loser so at lease they can feel they won a little :I
Omg broo bin forever cnt wait to see u 😀
tacoballball plz dont ofend no one imcluding me cuz noone is acting li that anf also i nt sart this cuz im sad i dnt win no games if i had million of dolors an a game start ill go an i win ill give some of it to the losers
‘ So because you have a ”brick” pc we should change our event’ Alot of ppl are like me like junlenoob if you watch his vids hes like me
Bongo im not sayin that what im trying to say is if you hav enough money do you really need more when other people workin there butt of jist to gain tye same ammout as rich be wasteing
Well grass look i dont hae a good computer thuse makeing it even harder to run,pvp,build,ect. Its too hard for me while haveing 3-5 fps and da rich haveing over 300 fpsthis is just an ect.)