Forum Replies Created
well guys just an idea and osrry i said ranks instead of tags i dnt know what it was called xD but enyway if i do have a brewing next to my name it will really help on my shop(im brewing eny potions for 1k 😉 hihi) so i just whanted that out and to see if i can oh and littleshadowman idk how to do the surname or tittle of you can show me ill be very thanksfull!! ^_^
i may not know u but its allway shard loosing someone o da server and i cn see alot of people loved u hope u cn come back and know more about u
I be on enough
well sorry for haveing a life xD
looool xD
to think *what* the
if we do put it i whant a enderman -3- endermans are awesome!!OR A COW 😀
OMG THANK YOU someone finally understands me -3- thank you for seeing my side of the story
i did help lol but i will be more active now then ever >:D challenge accepted
AWWWWW D: lol shot down again XD 😛 lol k thx for da info
oh and sorry for my typeo’s XD i be writinng fast and i dont notice i miss or missplace some XD
well i be doing trick’s for me to not lag like optifine and tricks for the computer and its not only me you can tell if the server lag’s when everybody in the server start screaming ‘LAG’ in the chat but lol not that point though
i made this so i can advertise server’s i like,better then doing a video my computer cant handle that(i got a 1g ram) so this wud be easyier for me
well guys if u whant i cn help me rate sever’s i just started it and i kinda need help if enything just contact me by my skype: VESL15
saddlt i cud not find the plugin for it