Forum Replies Created
oh federal, my lesson wasn’t evident enough for you? Why are u criticizing the server? like you do realize that you’re a pure blind ass fucking dumbass? like honestly you’re the biggest hypocrite i have ever met. You literally, and clearly criticize ander’s server, and then you go ahead tell ander to stop critzing other peoples server.. but im sorry but you need to realize that you are following on the same tracks that you are telling others not to, if you haven’t realized. Again ill tell you one more thing, and it will be really useful in life.
Critique people, not criticize.
~ vishu101/ImYoDaddy
hold on let me be creative, and look at what other people said.. oh someone said make it eye catching? aw sweet, im just gonna say the same thing what they said and not come up with any ideas or any constructive feedback myself.
this is amazing feedback man you should be honored
dude take notes, take out your Nokia and make sure to attach it to your toaster and start taking notes dude. Our server is gonna be 9/11 rated by the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration).
~ ImYoDaddy EC Server Sales Manager
I would also recommend you getting the “Forums token” idea as well. We have tried it on our server, and it was remarkable.
let me explain what “Forums token” is.
This token will grant you access to the forums.. pretty self explanatory. now let me explain the perks of getting forums access.
Be able to report a player.
Easier to communicate with a moderator
Easier to get moderator
Easier to get owner
Easier to win giveaways
Additionaly, you can grant other donor perks with completing forums achivement which will be worked
For example: Getting 10 or more replies on a post = Acess to broadcast or anything which comes under the $5 price tag.Please vote up if you think this is a good idea.
~ImYoDaddy, EC Sales Manager
Born, I have reviewed your suggestion, and I have to say, I am really impressed. I really do suggest these donor ranks. Personally, I was going to use these for my server, but now if you don’t mind. Can i please get OP? on your server, it would be greatly appricated. I will also handle the server as a “Owner” if you don’t mind. And of course, I will buy the Extra Owner rank for the server.
~ ImYoDaddy, EC Sales Manager
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
Oh by the way, this is not the official website for “EC”. So everything I have said about the server is fallacious, and I did talk with server manager and He said “As long as it is on the old server website, it is fine. It is that because we do not use that website for our server, so everything said/done there is not use-able or true”
Honestly, this shows how pathetic you two are. You guys can literally just start ranting about something which someone has simply told you. Who said I was a moderator on the server, I resigned in front of all of you. Just because the things happened in the server, and what happened to me is not gonna make me hate the server. I still think it is a great server though it does have it flaws. In-fact, instead of you two ranting about this, why not contribute? and help the society? are you two really that far down in your life that you’re gonna spend 5-10 minutes of your life talking shit about a minecraft server that you used to spend so much time on. Really? or did you guys just move on that quickly? if thats the case, then move the fuck on and leave the god damn server alone its not hard. There are plenty of games, or servers in the world in-case you didn’t know. You can just fuck right off bud, and find your self better server, cause honestly, and I believe I am saying this from behalf of the EC community. We dont fucking want you, so just get the fuck outta here fam. In-case you don’t want to leave, at least give constructive feed back. We don’t want you to criticize us, we want you to critique. us. Now let me give you some more feed back. Please be more optimistic.
Thank you
im fucking dying. How low is your IQ there bud?
This server gets better and better by the day!
not sure if this is sarcasm, but the server indeed is. We have a huge updating coming up, and the servers been in maintenance for this huge surprise. As I said, the ranking system and the forums system is part of the huge update and I have given you guys some leaks from it. Im sure rogue wouldn’t mind, but im excited to see all of you guys there.
~ ImYoDaddy/Vishu101
Hello, thank you for reporting. We have updated our reporting system recently. You will be having to buy to a “Forums Token” or have Gold donor+ in order to report a player via forums. You can report a player in-game to a moderator in action. But displaying proof will cost you gold donor+ or the forums token. Please proceed to our website via @ for more information on ranks and more accessibility as a player. It will also display all the commands you have access to as a member, iron donor, gold donor etc.
Thank you,
Best Regards, Troll.
Hey man, the server needs money and we’re trying our best to do everything.
Oh I forgot, buying Extra Dimensional, will increase your chance by 75%.
They’re also really cheap. Just $1.99 CAD.
Remember, this will not guarantee staff.
IRON DONOR : 15% Chance
GOLD DONOR : 25% Chance
DIAMOND DONOR: 30% ChanceRemember, this will only be applicable during your donor stage.
Yes, we have updated our buy craft system. We now have put certain amount of percentage chance of getting moderator rank on each rank listed on our buy craft system.
We have reviewed your mod application, We really appreciate that you have donated to the server, and we hope to see this presence from you, and the rest of the community contributing and helping out the server. Furthermore, We would like to welcome you, ishangamertvYT2, to the staff team. You will be starting as a Guardian as I have obsvered from your skills in-game and your collaboration to the community. I would like to say Thank you, and Welcome you to the staff team, from Behalf of the EternalCraft Staff Team.
We are really looking forward to see you, Thank you.
Please give us your discord/skype so we can help you get started.
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by