Forum Replies Created
LWC needs to be removed from Minigames or just remove the default lock system. That should stop these people locking stuff.
There’s a horsey on the second picture :3
I think this is a great idea, but hoppers generate some lag as well but not much though. It’s going to be a pain getting more hoppers.
Skipper nooo, I just had time to get to know you a bit better, now you’re leaving D: Bai
If this the first time you are banned that means it will only last for 24hours. Be patient.
November 16, 2013 at 5:20 am in reply to: Please follow up the deletion of my mod app #46757 Score: 0You could use the current template and fill in that with your amount of information.
Instead of saying raz04thund34,my primary account change it into raz04thund34(Primary account)You could say in more detail on what you learned from the mods and the website.
You are talking like you will litterly get mod after the application. Explain in more detail on how you are going to help the server and take care of it.
(too young, but mature) That’s sort of ironic on how you comment on every sentence you wrote. Remove them and maybe it’ll look better.
You need to be at least more active on the forums to maybe be accepted.
I read the whole paragraph :3
I guess he’s trying to bypass ban.
You need to go to a website called imgur.com and find the screenshot in your %appdata% folder called screenshot and drag the screenshot to imgur and then click upload and copy the website and post it here.
Bongo pulls out the counter-ddos! Bongo slashed through the gang like a master parivir. Hard coded binary flew out of the bodies of the hackers as he continues to slash wildly through the hoard without showing any fear.
A recently released music video on YouTube is not all that it appears to be. I will tell you why.
La La La by Naughty Boy ft Sam Smith is based on an old Bolivian Tale dating back to the early 1940’s. This is what the legend states.In Bolivia, during the 1800’s, there once was a young boy who had an abusive step father. They lived in the town of Carana, in a small inn.
The boy was deaf and continually beaten by his stepfather every weekend, almost ritualistically. Eventually he ran away from home. His stepfather left him for dead, not even bothering to go after him.
Alone on the streets one night, he found a stray dog. It kept him company on many long nights alone.
Emotionally tortured, he did not know where he was going. He discovered, a month after he ran away, that he had a special talent. He could hear negative emotion in the world. That is to say, if something were going wrong in a particular place, he could find it and hopefully stop it.
There was an old man by the village fountain being tormented by children who threw rocks at him from the nearby quarry until he was completely white with dust and grit. It was a custom in the village. The other elders laughed at him along with the children, glad that it wasn’t them. Not only were they happy, they chanted, danced and played instuments around him.
The young boy screamed. Even though he was only eight, legends tell that his scream sounded like an earthquake crossed with a hurricane. He was screaming out his very soul; his very essence. Every other villager fled apart from the old man. He approached the child and thanked him.
(According to a historian on Bolivian mythos, some versions of this story state that the man was beaten until he bled out. The child approached him and somehow managed to restart his very heart.)
In both versions of the story, the man accompanied the boy on his travels.
The boy and the man came across another man, knocked over by a horsecart by some rich gentry, lords and nobles from the town over. He had been run down on purpose.
The man with the disfigured face was a local celebrity. They say his face had been struck by lightning and a large growth had burst out of his forehead like an elephant’s trunk. Again, the boy screamed until only the elephant-faced man was left.
But this elephant man was unusual. He claimed to be a prophet for a long gone religious sect. The sect worshipped a horrifying deity. A goat with human features. A strange otherworldly being known by many names.
He had turned his back on the cult. As a result, the evil monster cursed him.
He told them off a place, and offered to show it to them in person. The elephant man, the child, the old man and the dog all set off for his lair.
His lair was in the middle of a desert, near an abandoned town rumoured to be full of people who had simply gone mad and murdered each other in the dead of night. One day they were happy folks, well-adjusted and normal. The next they were beheading their neighbors, engaging in sex with each other in the middle of the town and eating their own children. It was said that he sat in a cave and just whispered evil into the world. Pure evil.
This being the source of every negative emotion in the world, every impure thought, every desire to murder or hurt…. This whispers were audible near the cave entrance. The old man and elephant man did not wish to venture forward. They could not understand the language that the Devil was speaking in, but it sounded archaic. A language lost to the ages. Still, it made the hairs on their necks stand up as if they were being told of horrific acts. As if secrets about the nature of man were being revealed to them in a way that I, nor the myth itself, can properly explain. Even the dog did not want to go inside. The old man started to retch, but it was all too late and vomit splattered all over the sand floor outside the cavern. A laugh came from inside.
The two men said their goodbyes to the boy and left, hugging him and holding him tightly.
The boy walked inside.
It is presumed that the boy is still inside, for loud yelling can be heard whenever you venture near enough to the cave.
However, as of April 18th, the yelling stopped.
This was when the video was released.
It alludes to every facet of the myth, including a particularly interesting snippet at 2:34.
What is interesting though, is the fact that I have searched for several days. I have checked Yahoo, Bing, Google… everything.
EDIT: Hey guys I hope you like this little conspiracy on the video, I hope this will tickle your fancy!
This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by
The plugin detecting the sponges is what causing the lag, if the sponges are gone, no lag
November 15, 2013 at 3:20 pm in reply to: Let's face it we all saw this one coming in Super Smash Bros 4… #46673 Score: 0MARIO STAGE
I WANTZ XDNovember 15, 2013 at 2:46 pm in reply to: Island moving in Skyblock (Bongo or bor n Please Read) #46661 Score: 0I think moving island is a great idea, but move it to one of those places where they only have bedrock or just normal island since nobody’s been there.
November 15, 2013 at 2:42 pm in reply to: To people making posts about how horribru the lag is #46657 Score: 0Zevguns, this is how the internet works.
Somethings running smoothly suddenly it’s all crusty, people are going to complain. You can’t stop humans, this is what we do. We complain. You basically complained to people that complained to stop complaining about the lag, Which is good.
Still though, fix the lag XDThe new updates have some more useful client update such as keybinds and FPS performances. In SMP there is actually no game changing update. The only thing that’s new are the new world generation and weather/temperature are the only thing that changed the “world”. If they update it only helps players with all the Client-sided updates, it won’t change the server.
At least you are active on one of the server’s area or section. It’s good to have players/ people 😀
This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by