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We should actually have some mods that can Speak spanish so that the ec reputation would increase so as the population…. I’m just saying my ideas and hope that everyone would support this idea..
~CheesyMoggsHe…he…He…he….Not so special eh….?
Markm has joined Epicman’s server after being banned from ec survival. I have banned him for constant disrespect and advertising epic’s server in the creative server….Well some people just do not change….
Well…As what zev said, Somebody have hacked a mod , Deathstarx. It has caused a lot of problems to the mod’s to deal with the problem. A headmod , deasertman, Which is managing the Creative server has checked the console and found out that Deathstarx cleared the plot. However with further investigation, He found out that somebody,Supposing you with the ip that hacked deathstarx account. I will ask deasertman to comment into this ban appeal for more information.
~CheesyMoggs-Cr Creative ModI went to creative to find out why was people reporting the spawn was missing As soon as possible. But it was cleared, A mod must have abused the power and cleared the spawn. I have looked into this and I build a new spawn. I told the members not to worry and if you want to join survival , creative, etc. You can log right out and log in, will teleport you to the hub.
~CheesyMoggs (Creative Mod)October 18, 2013 at 7:33 am in reply to: Wow mods do this for fun -_- clap clap clap #41761 Score: 0Well, imma make this quick, Maximos did not kick cryptaker for fun ,but however made it looked like he kick cryptaker. However,its was only for fun.It was not really a real kick which is not a big deal. But with what you said, I will inform him not to do this action unnesecerilly. As a mod, regardless of survival,minigames,creative or supersmash ,we take our job seriously. But we are not robots, we are humans and we also like to entertain ourselves and other people abit. I hope after reading this, You would understand the prank was meant for fun and was not out to hurt anyone.
October 18, 2013 at 6:39 am in reply to: Wow mods do this for fun -_- clap clap clap #41735 Score: 0Well, as you see at when maximoS kicked cryptaker, he was talking * Why should I not kick you * But after that, it was Cryptaker was kicked by maximoS. Actually , Max did not actually kicked him , he did &6(Yellow colour code) Cryptaker was kicked by maximoS for fun * this shows that maximoS did not really kicked him.
Bahahahahahahah!Zev just made my DAY LAWL…But in my opinion,one must know dat we must respect ones Language,Religion.Thank you
Gee,mega mega mega thank Void,ur da best.I will repay u maybe soon if i can get on-:) <3 thanks !
Im very sorry about the mess up and next time i will try my best to be carefull and observant next time,Hope you can forgive me…
Maybe we mayors can set town chat to $60 per day and we can tell them about the new town upkeep so they will try to deposit more to prevent the town from fallin
Some people was kicked while it was lagging as the server was highly unstable..I hope the head mods /born can remove some redundent plugins that may lag the server…
I dont really know the point of raging over a small matter,its just a game.And in the first place,why did you pvp when u know ur bad at pvp.And if you want to rage,dont spam other ppl cuz its rude and ppl wont like it if you spam msg to ppl.How will u feel if people spam you???…..So in my opinion,We must accept wats happening and think wat you do before facing the consequences.