Forum Replies Created
Never mind issues fixed.
I can not join the main server it says temporarily denied access or some thing like that. please help me.
LMAO! im will not vote up or down but i will say that this is way to funny!!!
Dude gary we were good friends but Chibi has Absolute great proof of the situation. I would like it if you were unbanned but i don’t think there is any hope for you buddy. Sorry, it just depends in chibi now.
Gary, sorry but keshan does donate a lot XD way to much lol jk jk
I LOVE YOU MR.PIGAY! XD lol jk jk. (i love you) jk jk XD
XD HAHAHHAH!!! Thanks to every one that believes in me. LOL!
Gary should not be banned. Other wise the mods have lied and that is not a very good thing for a mod to do. sooo, who was the mod that banned gary?
Yes, It is already enough, Because i honestly think they should replace them. instead of having kick/mute, they could have warnings. I vote up but on my idea. lol
Actually (and thank you for telling me what it is) It said that if caught with any Duplication of items such as potions and armor, They will be taking away from that player. TO ALL MODS! Gary should not be banned, he should only have his items taking away. If caught again, then i’m sorry but i do suggest a ban.
Every one check this out and tell me what you think would go on about this please. BornCorp and Chibichuba I think having life time prestige and platinum would be GREAT! Especially if its like no more than $50.00 :3.. please look into this, I beileve its a great idea.
WTF!?!?!??is duping? lol
How much will this “Life Time” rank be? And will it be for every donor ship? Or just prestige and platnium?